The classic Mecha Phantom Beast Xyz is being reprinted in the OCG’s next Tournament Pack (out July 1st)
Browsing: Reprints
Cyberdark Impact!, the classic Fusion Spell for Cyberdark, is being reprinted for the OCG.
One we knew, but we didn’t know which number it was in the set.
Our spoiler for SD32, and all of its wonderful wonderful reprints and Decode Ends.
Two of Yuya’s classic Magicians get reprinted, and Chronograph gets an obvious slot placement.
For the classic hero and rival once more.
A classic monster for both Synchro and Xyz Summons gets reprinted for the era of Link Summons.
Reiteration of important information from Konami, regarding the various products going on sale between now and September, along with news…
Need a means of activating Dot Scraper or Balance Lord? Well an old Spell Card is getting a reprint in…
Misawa’s starter monster that became a regular tournament card gets reprinted in Cyberse Link!