Another Deck of the Apocalypse for Rush, while Venusylph supports Obelisk.
Browsing: Konami Decklist
Dian Keto gets some help from Monarchs in Rush; Gem-Knights get a little help from modern Volcanics
Poseidon who’s a fan of Journey of the West with Nobody Scatthief; Barbaros-Therion using Dandy White Lion; Battlin’ Boxers +…
Gilford with you know, enough actual equips, I guess.
It’s just a standard Magnum Overlord with Skyporter Max.
Enjoy the apocalypse with the newest revelations of the Voidvelgr
Yggdrago Cyberse, baby.
Rush Duel Monarchs outside of their Realm.
More Fusion High Tech Dragon! Windwitch enter a world of speed! Monarchs embrace wickedness!
Excuties with new Tricks! Aroma uses the power of the stars! Evil HERO calls upon an unlikely ally!