Roaches need not apply in the land of the white dragon.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Neo Kaiser Sea Horse
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon
Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon
Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon
Dragon Spirit of White
Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon
Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon
The White Stone of Legend
The White Stone of Ancients
Sage with Eyes of Blue
Sage with Eyes of Blue
Sage with Eyes of Blue
Master with Eyes of Blue
Dictator of D.
Dictator of D.
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Maiden of White
Roar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons
Chaos Form
Ultimate Fusion
Ultimate Fusion
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
Mausoleum of White
Burst Stream of Destruction
Called by the Grave
Wishes for Eyes of Blue
Majesty of the White Dragons
True Light
The Ultimate Creature of Destruction
Destined Rivals
Infinite Impermanence
Indigo-Eyes Silver Dragon
Spirit with Eyes of Blue
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon
Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon
Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon
“Maxx “C”” was removed for “Master with Eyes of Blue”
No Magia reprint was to be expected. If you expected that, you did that yourself.
Card is over rated anyways and you can make strong end boards without Magia and win too.
Lot of good reprints here. Can’t wait for this to drop.
Free my roach. He did nothing wrong!
please shut up
please shut up
I’ll accept the Master with Eyes of Blue as excellent card to switch Maxx “C” for the new TC Blue-Eyes structure deck.
he did everything rwong
Please shut up
He’s banned in the tcg, for over a decade now i believe. Rightfully so.
Maxx C did nothing wrong
he is probably from Japan
Is this a new structure deck that’s coming out?
And oh course no Dragon Master Magia reprint. The TCG really does hate its players 😆.
Magia is no need for the deck unless u want to play like an anime character
Just get 3 of this and the Primite cards and you got for yourself a meta deck(sr for my bad eng
come on, you had to know that was not going to happen.
@Kuzehibiki I heard Horus is a good engine to use with Blue-Eyes too
Why would it matter? Magia is a very suboptimal card in Blue eyes and requires you to run multiple bricks for like 3 negates that realistically is only1-2 negates that is just generally not worth the trouble of making.
Like magia has been suboptimal for long time and even the stupid hieratic link is better inclusion in the deck. Atleast you don’t need to run mediocre fusion spell and an awful ritual for it.
Side note: kinda amazing how hieratic seals is still a dragon deck staple to this day it has been a thing for like 6 years.
What is “for a long time” for a card that is barely a year old?
I’d be more worried about getting that Lv4 Primite over Magia.
No way in hell were they gonna include that, anyone expecting that has lost their mind.
Also Maxx C did get a reprint in Speed Duel Battle City Finals. So there’s that.
Konami we didn’t need that stupid heiratic link, we needed Dragon Master Magia!
no magia reprint we are so cooked ðŸ˜
you don’t really need Magia
You don’t even want it… card is cheap in ocg and no one plays it because they decided it’s suboptimal
I thought there was supposed to be 51 cards?
Blue-Eyes White Destiny is 1 Preconstructed Deck of 50 cards with a separate pack that has 1 bonus card
@boltspider we don’t know what the bonus card is?
@Weeevil we actually know what the bonus card is as it’s 1 of 3 them being Maiden of White, Wishes for Eyes of Blue, or Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon. Which could either be Secret or if lucky a QCSR
They couldn’t have replaced it with Fuwalos?
That would undermine one of the chase cards in April’s rarity collection.
I am hyped up! Gonna grab 2 copies of it for my birthday later in the same month!
and buying a 3rd on your own?
No Fuwalos 🙄🙄🙄
Typical greedy Konami, not putting a $90 card in a Structure Deck 5 months after release 🙄🙄🙄
mÂy bÂeÂsÂt fÂrÂiÂeÂnÂd eÂaÂrÂnÂs oÂvÂeÂr 15k a mÂoÂnÂtÂh dÂoÂiÂnÂg tÂhÂiÂs aÂnÂd sÂhÂe cÂoÂnÂvÂiÂnÂcÂeÂd mÂe tÂo tÂrÂyÂ. tÂhÂe pÂoÂtÂeÂnÂtÂiÂaÂl wÂiÂtÂh tÂhÂiÂs iÂs eÂnÂdÂlÂeÂsÂsÂ…,
I clicked and I entered my credit card info, what now?
bruh, I can’t read, can’t you show pictures?
What are the rarities though?