Author: Quincymccoy

Hello everybody! I serve as Number VIII of the Organization; however, my primary role on the site is to generate non-news content! Let's keep the endless flood of profiles on undervalued archetypes flowing, shall we?

Welcome to the next installment of my CDS articles, this time focused on an archetype that never truly took off to its full potential. Literally. The Mecha Phantom Beast archetype is one of the most versatile archetypes ever created, able to play Synchro Spam, Control, Rank 3/6/9 Xyz Spam, Rank 4/7/10 Xyz Spam, or even Swarm. Yet, they have never found a good avenue to completely break through into competitive. Let’s fly sky high by discussing this awesome archetype!

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Welcome to the next installment of my CDS articles, this time focused on an archetype that is infamous for it’s ‘1-card OTK’. That’s right, we’re going to be talking about the Atlantean monsters, specifically what happens when you build a Atlantean-centric strategy. Let’s dive headfirst into the depths of the sunken city, all further puns intended.

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Welcome back to a new CDS article, and this time we will be discussing a deck that has broken through into the competitive scene in the past through reliance on chance. Today, that all changes as I’m going to introduce you to low-chance Infernoids, relying on controlled milling and speedy drawpower!

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Welcome to the next installment of the CDS articles, this time focused on combining Pendulum monsters with Ritual Summoning! Ritual monsters have always been the odd man out, requiring a large commitment in order to bring them to the field, so what better way to compensate for this hefty investment than to use Pendulum monsters to serve as the material? Just wait until you realize the other potential benefits!

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We’ve all watched as Pendulum Monsters have come to sweep across the competitive metagame, as Pendulum archetypes have risen to define formats and dictate the most powerful tech cards. Instead, let’s discover what can happen when themes and archetypes use Pendulum engines to augment and enhance their strengths!

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Welcome to a new CDS article and this time we will be discussing a mechanic-centric deck, rather than just one archetype. Tokens have existed from the beginning of time for Yu-Gi-Oh, although they have not seen too much competitive play outside of the rogue Scapegoat or Dandylion. Could that all change with the impending arrival of three new Token generators?

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From their initial release almost 2 years ago, Pendulum Monsters have grown from being completely undervalued and niche into a competitive dreadnought. Across the TCG and OCG, the Pendulum Craze has taken hold, as the “PePe” deck has finally arrived in the TCG with most of the power it used to dominate the OCG format. This article will explain how Pendulum Monsters and Pendulum Summoning went from useless, to completely overbearing, over just 1 structure deck and set release!

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Welcome back to another CDS article, and this time we are going to be discussing a very special archetype, one that actually carves out its unique niche as an engine rather than an actual deck at this current point in time. Introducing the Burgesstoma, the archetype of prehistoric ocean fossils reanimated as Trap Cards that actually can summon themselves to the field as Normal Monsters! Now isn’t that a mouthful. Let’s dive into the strategic depths of this intriguing theme!

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Welcome to my next CDS article, and we will be taking an indepth look into the brand new Red-Eyes Support! Red-Eyes B. Dragon has had multiple waves of support over its history, but its most recent wave of support in Clash of Rebellions and Dragons of Legend 2 has left a lot of duelists staggering, unsure of how to build the deck with the wide range and variety of support. It’s time for you to leave that crowd and learn about the newfound power of RED!

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