Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

天才料理人『茂古田未知夫』 Tensei Ryourinin “Michio Mokota” (The Genius Chef “Michio Mokota”) July 27th, 2014 In order to be eligible to participate in the Junior Youth Championship, Yuya has to win in official duels. His first opponent is the cuisine expert who uses a unique strategy – Michio Mokota.

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It’s starting… (This is the news dump) Ark will be your uploader, Eva will be your translator for this fine venture, please set back and enjoy. … also please don’t hammer F5. Update 1: Kattobingu Challenge Update 2: El Shaddoll Shekhinaga (Initial Info, full data undiscernable atm) Update 3: New Spells and Traps (Effects Unknown) Update 4: Elemental HERO Blazeman Update 5: Shadoll Hound Update 6: New Naturia Fusion and Mecha Phantom Beast Synchro!! (Effects Unknown) Update 7: New Yuma Cards confirmed! (and effects for them confirmed!) Update 8: Zaborg the Mega Monarch confirmed to exist! Update 9: Draw Muscle’s…

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Check out the new “HERO” card included in the Jumbo August V Jump Edition! In the August Issue of V Jump (currently on sale, it went on sale June 21st), was a new card for the “HERO” Series, “Elemental HERO Core”! Speaking of “HERO” cards, “Structure Deck -HERO’s STRIKE-” went on sale, but they were also used by Duelists who participated in this year’s World Championship Qualifier!!

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