Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

All names and effects are tentative! Keep checking back for more news! EDIT: What do you get when you mix Cyber Dragon, Cyber Dragon Zwei, and Cyber Dragon Drei? Also here’s your Atlantean, looking a bit less scaly than his pals, while the island of herbs and spices finally makes its appearance.

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Some last minute news before stores spill beans. Edit 1: Frightfur Custom Added Edit 2: Tribute Lanius Added Edit 3: Fusion Conscription Added Edit 4: Frightfur Sheep Added Edit 5: Fluffal Sheep Added Edit 6: Frightfur Factory Added Edit 7: Frightfur Fusion, Edge Imp DT Modoki, Edge Imp Tomahawk, and Raidraptor & Fluffal-Frightfur Deck Lists Added

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The recent episode of Arc-V’s end credits revealed Performapal Pinch Helper’s effects (we knew it was coming due to the previous issue of V Jump) Basically they were showing off cards included in a Deck of Yuya’s cards they’ll be handing out to 10 lucky contestants in Japan.

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