It’s an old reprint that the OCG could use:
Author: NeoArkadia
From Valuable Book 16, Kagutsuchi’s side in the Bujin story!
Deck Recipe PDF Edition (August 2013) We’re introducing 2 Deck Recipes featuring cards included in “Shadow Specters”, which was released this summer! Since these Decks aim to pull off a bunch of interesting combos, consult these PDFs and try ’em out!
Deck Recipe PDF Edition (August 2013) (Part 1) We’re introducing 2 Deck Recipes featuring cards included in “Shadow Specters”, which was released this summer! Since these Decks aim to pull off a bunch of interesting combos, consult these PDFs and try ’em out!
Full scoop below:
It includes some new news!
Get ready for another big splash
“Number 85: Crazy Box” and “Princess Cologne” Today we’ll be introducing you to 2 Rank 4 Xyz Monsters included in “Collector’s Pack: ZEXAL Edition ( )”. They both only require 2 Monsters to Xyz Summon, and both of them are difficult to attack!
And we’re not “kid”ding around.
Some of the changes in Japan (This doesn’t apply to Konami of Asia territories nor the TCG!)