The names of the main monsters and two S/T Supports
Author: NeoArkadia
Yu-Gi-Oh!, it looks, is taking another step into the digital age… Edit: More details
Noone ever thought this would happen, probably, but it’s happening!
It seems Japan is getting more classic anniversary swag in the form of figurines
In which we explain why we missed a name.
New Card News! “Lease Laundering” (from SPRG) It’s an important card for making the most of the powerful “Covenant” cards that inflict damage to you every turn! Booster SP Raging Masters (SPRG), which comes out August 9th, 2014, also includes “Lease Laundering” a key card for the Covenants used by Akaba Reiji who uses the DD, which the Covenants aid in bringing out! In the anime, in his Duel with the protagonist, “Yuya”, he used this card in a powerful combo to wipe away the Sword of Damocles-esque effect of his own Covenant Cards! Check out further details about it…
Behold the power of Quantum Cat! Edit: Evigishki Merrowgeist is in and confirmed effect for Ghosts from the Past
This is unexpected, an easy reprint set for OCG Players!
The latest core booster pack for Japan has been announced.
Nyarlathotep… the crawling chaos… I am the last… I will tell the audient void…