…Are they back?
征覇竜-ブレイズ / Blaze, The Supreme Ruler of Dragons
Rank 7
The accompanying text only insists it’s a Rank 7 (or “high rank”) Dragon Xyz Monster and that it will be the next V-JUMP Promo, with its effect revealed on September 7th.
As for the name, it uses 2 familiar Kanji: 征 and 竜, which are the two Kanji used for the names of the Dragon Rulers. However, a third Kanji is introduced in the middle: 覇 , which is most notably translated as “Supreme” (e.g. “Supreme King” cards).
Thought it was red-eyes!!! But as a rank 7 may be usable by us
….oh Jesus, I know where this is going. The Dragon Kings are returning.
Hell yes more drulers