The birth of a brand-new kind of floodgate.
DUAD-JP027 Kuroki Mazoku – Leo Wizard / Leo Wizard, the Dark Mage
Spellcaster/Effect, DARK, Lv 4, ATK 1350, DEF 1200
You can only use the 3rd effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) Monsters whose original Level is 4 or lower with more than 1350 ATK and/or DEF require 1 Tribute to Normal Summon from the hand.
(2) At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles a LIGHT monster: You can destroy that monster.
(3) If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can add 1 monster with 1350 ATK from your Deck to your hand.
worst floodgate ever
It’s a winmore floodgate to crush the last bit of hope the opponent has of outing your other monsters with a normal summon.
One of the worse ones, but locking your opponent from normal summoning can be very annoying (essentially like stating Ur opp can’t normal summon). As alot of people will have their combo start from normal. Just negate their one or 2 cards that special summon and Ur good to go.
what are you saying? its perfect to counter axe raider!
Hell yeah
Sad that Normal Summons are still only once per turn by default, and since most Decks Special Summon a lot, it’s easy to play around this card.
Unless you’re playing Floowandereeze, wherein you’d be at this card’s mercy.
Arent all of them have less than 1350, this doesn’t matter to them
There is not a single Floo monster that gets floodgated by this
Yes. They. Are! Because most Floowandereeze monsters are Level 1 an the first part of this card’s first effect says Monsters whose original Level is 4 soooo yes it does floodgate them!
Monsters whose original Level is 4 or less I meant
David, whilist yeah, floos have a lower level than 4, no floo (except level 7s) has an ATK or DEF higher than 1350.
The closest one to getting floodgated is “Floowandereeze & Toccan” with 1300 DEF, but it’s missing that 50 more…
As a Blackwing Player, this card hurts my Blackwing deck more than Floowandereeze, because Blackwing can do 3 normal summon per turn, although I think it doesn’t affect Simoon but it does affect Sudri.
This card with a barrier statue, Now THATS cancer
They said the floodgate effect is a mechanic in a yugioh retro game DM4 specifically.
outside of vanilla monsters and itself this card can search Amorphage Lechery, Cipher Soldier, Crass Clown, Gonogo, Invader of the Throne and Mementolan Tatsunootoshigo
Thank you for saving me the search
I think this is a pretty neat Floodgate. Granted it’s only balanced by the fact the game sped up so much most Deck don’t care about their Normal Summons anymore. Still, I think it might seem decent amount of experimentations.
Love this card!. I’ve always wanted them to explore the type of floodgate that would happen by increasing the number of tributes needed to NS stuff. Not the best thing in the world since obviously it only affects NS, but a neat little unique floodgate that explores an area I wanted them to go. Only thing I would hope is wrong is that it’s “Monsters whose original Level is 4 or lower with more than 1350 ATK and/or DEF require 1 **additional** Tribute to Normal Summon from the hand.” cause adding additional would imply it stacks if we get another one like it
it would already stack with multiple on field which seems excessive
Pointing out to the above reply, currently it does not stack and sets the tribute value to a hard number of 1. If it had additional as the OP said it would stack. In regards to if stacking would be too much? Definitely not, since the game currently SSs way too hard for it to affect anything reasonably other than specific decks
Rad monsters. We need more floodgates and less copy-paste lv.4 garbage that adds cards and special summons whenever you blink.
Blood thinks setting 4 and normal summoning a monster is good game design.
Ah yes the cool kid “anti-meta” strategy of making your opponent unable to play the game. Very fun and interactive.
My favorite part is how most of the meta decks literally just walk right around this even with their normal summon-able bodies
This is DM4 country! You’re only allowed to set 1 trap each turn.
The meta defenders out here sneering with their “cool and interactive” accusations, as if the point of every modern Yu-Gi-Oh! deck isn’t to prevent your opponent from playing the game at all costs.
So if your deck is normal summon reliant, then you can get A. Bent and B. Over yourself. In other words, who cares? Top decks usually aren’t affected by this. Even the Normal reliant ones probably have low attack monsters to summon. It’s interesting, but less good than at first glance.
Why this monster kinda thicc though?
Boi he thicc for real
Tail. Under cloak. simple as.
more like: Leo Wizard, the Gar Bage
As a Voiceless Voice player, I don’t like this
1350 ATK is very specific and rarely utilized statline. Is this going to be new 1850? Will we get new Fairy Tails or similar set of monsters?
In Yugioh Duel Monsters for Gameboy, the highest ATK a level 4 monster could have was 1350. So Leo Wizard, Tongyo, Disk Magician, Crass Clown, and Behegon were all the strongest 4 star monsters in the game. Since this card’s artwork is a redraw of Leo Wizard from the Gameboy Games, I feel like the other 4 clare going to get the same treatment too. (for some ironic reason, Leo Wizard was printed as Level 5 when he made it to the physical game)
Card seems okay, but there are plenty of ways to overcome the floodgate both for yourself and the opponent. The third effect searching Tatsunootoshigo is good. More importantly daily card reveals are back meaning ws should get some on the weekend.
Effect aside, I simple love the retrains of these vintage monsters that mostly keep the old-style artstyle. They are very cool
These are some of my favorite retrains. Now I’m waiting for the inevitable Disk Magician retrain
This will only see play with cards that lock players out of Special Summoning floods the meta, but we only have a few still legal currently that truly locks a player out of Special Summoning, but, no matter the case they all still need good setup, consistency, & powerful decks that can use them.
The Sleeping Lion goes woke.
I remember reading back in the day how there was a specific threshold of total atk and def that would determine monster levels which is how Leo Wizard ended up lv 5. Then the threshold was adjusted which is how Gemini Elf ended up lv 4. Anyway, Leo Wizard now get his revenge on the strong who didn’t require tributes. “I’m not locked up in here with you. You’re locked up in here with me!”
Next up requiring tributes for monsters that don’t take up a normal summon, have high atk, AND float.
That explains why both Summoned Skull and Gyakateno Megami are level 6, even though one was a powerful glass cannon and the other was a jack of all trades master of none.
I hate current monster design because judging a book by its cover, its easy it’s efficient and you can’t do that anymore. I was reading reveals the other day looking at a warrior, I look at the type and its a thunder ritual monster I had no idea you know why? Because konami doing this got normalized. I don’t know what archetypes do anymore, DMG could be a dragon and I wouldn’t know. I’m on the train and I see people talking about blue-eyes, like you’re playing primite do you even know what Neo BEWD does? Why you running 2 BEWD, we know you aren’t a blue-eyes player. You just chose a vanilla that got support. It’s confusing me, every old DM monster with this background looks like an illusion type now but they aren’t illusions they have no illusionism in their heart. And some of them are mean, some of them set up 3 negates. Back in the old days monsters looked like their types, ever watched Yugioh Season 1? Dragons looked like dragons, zombies looked like zombies. Spellcasters looked like spellcasters. It was neat, it was tidy and now all mixed up all mixed up all scrambled.
My guy, this is literally a monster released in 1999. This is as OG Yu-Gi-Oh as possible!
…Unless you’re doing a bit, in which case I apologize for not getting the joke.
appreciate the classic old art ngl
It’s kinda crazy that the floodgate effect is a reference to a video game considering that it almost perfectly lines up with Jowgen the Spiritualist’s 1300 def. With both of these guys up, an opponent can’t special summon, and can only attack over Jowgen by normal summoning a monster with exactly 1350 attack. Add in Secret Village and the opponent is locked out of Spells as well. Obviously, this is by no means a perfect lock, but it’s a cute enough combo to feel like mentioning
Snake Eye: Nice floodgate!
Reminder text that normal summoning happens from the hand? Ok. Now I’m wondering why the larping lion and not the other neo new monsters get an “alignment-advantage” effect.
searchable by timestar magician
will this save pendulum???
Fun target to summon off that new invoked guy’s floating effect. You can send him with verre magic and revive him with Selene too.
“Monsters whose original Level is 4 or lower with more than 1350 ATK and/or DEF require 1 Tribute to Normal Summon from the hand.”, as opposed to Normal summoning from Deck?
Don’t give konami ideas
Jelly beans counter!!!
Everyone whinning about the deck and me just asking: “you guys are Normal Summoning?”