For those curious about that sort of thing.
EP19-JP045 Seikishi Pellinore (OCG: Holy Knight Pellinore/TCG: Noble Knight Pellinore)
EP19-JP046 Seikishi Iyvanne (OCG: Holy Knight Iyvanne/TCG: Noble Knight Iyvanne)
EP19-JP047 Seikishi Corneus (OCG: Holy Knight Corneus/TCG: Noble Knight Custennin)
EP19-JP048 Avalon no Majyo Morgan (OCG: Witch of Avalon, Morgan/TCG: Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon)
EP19-JP050 Seiken Clarent (OCG: Holy Sword Clarent/TCG: Noble Arms – Clarent)
EP19-JP051 Seihai no Keishou (OCG: Heritage of the Holy Grail/TCG: Heritage of the Chalice)
EP19-JP052 Sieken no Michibiku Mirai (OCG: The Future Guided by the Holy Sword/TCG: Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again)