Three previews of six small figures releasing next year.
Browsing: Figure
The ultimate weapon that can even kill a god is now available as an articulated model.
Releasing in Limited 1 to traumatise the Duel Links players in the audience.
The first I:P Masquerena articulated figure is finally available for pre-order!
You don’t get any new dragons until they release the ones still in the oven.
A mix of SK Japan’s products and other products releasing over the coming month.
The fourth S.H. Monster Arts figure has been revealed and is available for pre-order!
Collecting a bunch of figure announcements and displays from various recent events.
It is said that his crimson armor is dyed that color from the blood spurting from every enemy commander he…
Seize the wind that connects to the unseen world! Forge the bond that connects the real with the virtual!