“So basically how it worked during Duelist Kingdom, roughly”
Ritual Summon
Ritual Monsters
A monster with a blue card frame that has Ritual written on it is called a “Ritual Monster”!
Each Ritual Monster is called forth using a specific Ritual Spell Card
How To Ritual Summon
Step 1
Assemble the monsters required to meet the level requirements written on the Ritual Spell Card as material!
★ For Example: You Ritual Summon “Magician of Black Chaos” with “Black Magic Ritual”
Step 2
Activate the Ritual Spell Card and send all the monsters required as material to the GY.
Step 3
Call forth the Ritual Monster from the Extra Deck.
Ritual Monsters & The Extra Deck
Ritual Monsters are special monsters, that unlike regular monsters, are Ritual Summoned from the Extra Deck Zone! Let’s put them in the Extra Deck Zone face-down before the Duel begins!
Ritual Summon FAQ
Q: What battle position should a Ritual Monster be Ritual Summoned?
A: In Attack Position or face-up Defense Position
Q: If a Ritual Monster is destroyed, what happens?
A: Just like any other monster, it’s sent to the GY.
Q: Can you Special Summon Ritual Monsters from the GY?
A: You can.
Q: Is a monster Ritual Summoned from the Extra Deck a “Special Summoned monster”?
A: It is a Special Summoned monster.
Q: When activating a card with a requirement like “[REQUIREMENT] Shuffle 1 card from your GY into the Deck” or so such, can you shuffle a Ritual Monster back into the Extra Deck?
A: You can.
Q: When activating a card with a requirement like “[REQUIREMENT] Place 1 card from your GY on the bottom of the Deck” or so such, can you place a Ritual Monster in the Extra Deck?
A: You can. Since the Extra Deck does not require an order, there is no need to place it on the bottom of the Extra Deck.
Q: For a card with an effect like “[EFFECT] Choose 1 monster in your opponent’s GY and shuffle it back into the Deck”, can you choose a Ritual Monster?
A: You can. In that case, the Ritual Monster is returned to the Extra Deck.
Q: For a card with an effect like “[EFFECT] Choose 1 monster on your opponent’s field and return it to the hand”, can you choose a Ritual Monster?
A: You can. In that case, the Ritual Monster is returned to the Extra Deck.
Q: Is a Ritual Monster without an Effect considered a Normal Monster?
A: No. That monster is a “Ritual Monster that does not have an effect”. (It is treated as neither a Normal Monster or an Effect Monster in that case.)
Q: Can I put a Ritual Monster in the Main Deck?
A: You cannot. Ritual Monsters can only be placed in the Extra Deck.
Q: If I Ritual Summon a Ritual Monster, is the “Send to the GY as material” effect treated as
A: It is not Tributing.
Q: Can I Ritual Summon “Magician of Black Chaos” (Level 8) with the effect of “Black Magic Ritual” using “Beaver Warrior” (Level 4), “Curse of Dragon” (Level 5) or “Gaia The Fierce Knight” (Level 7) as material?
A: You cannot. You must pick two of those three monsters (“Beaver Warrior” (Level 4), “Curse of Dragon” (Level 5) or “Gaia The Fierce Knight” (Level 7)) to Ritual Summon. If a monster specifies its materials as Level 8 or higher, any combination that is Level 8 or higher can be used. However, once the existing total Level of monsters used as material reaches 8 or more, no Extra Monsters can be used as material.
Q: Is a Ritual Monster without an Effect considered a Ritual Monster?
A: No. That monster is a “Ritual Monster that does not have an effect”. (It is treated as neither a Normal Monster or an Effect Monster in that case.)
So is the answer Yes or No? It’s ‘Yes’, right?
Anyway, glad to finally have a formal breakdown of how these work! Moving Rituals to the ED make them a much better counterpart to Fusions.
Maybe it’s like in Pokemon when Arcanine uses Burn Up – now it’s just a Typeless card.
The original question was asking if they are Normal monsters. They aren’t.
it’s a Ritual non-effect monster.
It literally just said No. It’s Just a ritual card.. that’s it. It can’t be targeted for cars that are “normal”
Yeah interestingly they actually started their time in the extra deck in the manga and show
They did not. There was no extra deck in the manga or show at the start.
As other person stated – there was no extra or fusion deck in manga or early anime but both Fusions and Rituals were generated by game’s system. They were appearing out of thin air, basically.
Not really but this is emulating how it was like in the anime/manga where they were more of a gamestate.
It’s fitting that we now know the Rules for using Ritual Summon in Rush Duels.
In any case, they basically work the same way they did in the Manga or at the beginning of DM’s Anime (being an equivalent to Synchro Summon in Rush Duels)
The only difference is that, instead of being a sort of Tribute Summon, Ritual Summon uses Ritual Materials as the Official Term (being an equivalent to Fusion Materials for Fusion Summon)
It’s just synchro with a spell card instead of a tuner requirement.
idk you can exceed the level of the mon, so is it really like Synchros if they don’t have to be the exact level and materials can be snagged from the hand?
I’m so annoyed with people saying it’s like synchro.. “but a spell instead of a tuner”.. yeah.. that makes it completely different.
It’s better to say that it comes from the extra deck like any other gimmick, xyz, synchro, whatever, and let that be the focus.
But it’s Not “like synchro”. I doubt it, but synchro could be added in the future and the two would play differently. Tuner monsters require their own set up.. this is a spell.
As the other person stated, it not only uses a spell but Doesn’t have to be the exact level..
So this synchro comparison is annoying.. because then we start having people saying the other gimmicks are useless by comparison..
And that’s NOT how that works.
Well not exactly like manga
Manga use attack points and one monster absorb the tribute monsters
But yeah, extra deck
They can’t do this to the regular game. But I still think it’s possible to change the mechanic in the next master rules update to rule that Ritual spell cards that Ritual Summon a specifically named Ritual Monster can Ritual Summon that monster from the main deck or hand. If the same Ritual Spell card mentions other not specifically named Ritual monsters it is able to Ritual Summon those monster are not able to be Ritual Summoned from the deck unless the Ritual Spell card states otherwise in its effect.
too convoluted and confusing to rule,
i am pretty sure it will contradict some cards or make some cards busted, like summoning the Dogmatika boss out of the deck and dumping the opponent’s extra deck. and it will make all ritual summons weak to Ash blossom as well?, do they have to re-write ritual spells to say you can summon them from the deck or people just have to know?
i am glad they fixed that core issue in Rush duels, but it is too late to fix that on normal yugioh.
People just have to know. If a Ritual Spell card names a specific Ritual monster to Ritual Summon like the original ritual spells or cards like Cycle of Light and Shinobird Calling then you can Ritual Summon the named monster from the deck.
Neither of the Dogmatika Ritual Spells name a specific Ritual monster for their Ritual Summoning effect. Are you thinking that they just have to mention the name somewhere in the card effect even if it’s not about ritual summoning them? Cause that would be absurd.
Also, I don’t know what the ruling would be for Ash. Since this would be a change to the mechanic and not the card.
Classic rituals should have a “this card begins the duel in the extra deck” clause with the corresponding spells having unique conditions.
If rituals were Konami’s original idea and not a besmirchment of established lore I would defend things functioning differently but I can’t even do that today since everything functions like a link-2 or zoodiac. In other words, the color of the card border doesn’t matter.
People are insane if they think master duel is changing.. lol
Mechanics have changed rules before. Particularly at the start of Vrains where they decided to gatekeep the extra deck to sell the new Links and then after Vrains where they course corrected but continued to screw over Pendulums but released the Extra Deck from captivity.
I also think Link rules should be changed so that they can be placed in Defense Position and face-down Defense Position but get destroyed without damage calculation if targeted for an attack. That would at least begin to make them a bit more fair as a card type.
Yeah , sure , the OCG/TCG need more powercreep
I question what is the point, since these are just power crept by Contact Fusions (which power crept standard fusions which already power crept Maximums), and unlike when Fusions originally were revealed, the first Rits we have seen don’t add any other new concepts like “Hybrid Types” and Multichoice effects. Remember when Rituals in one of those old Yugioh videogame were Divine, why not do something like that here?
We have a sample size of three, none of which have “hybrid” Types nor multi choice Effects. I don’t think we can arrive at a conclusion this early.
Rituals are weaker than Fusions and Contacts at their Level because you don’t have to use specific monsters as material. They can be summoned with any.
being able to use materials from hand gives them one big advantage there. I think Lv7-8 ones will be more viable than the average 11 that Rush seemed to be pushing.
going only -1 by using a single monster is better for field presence. I imagine we’ll start getting ritual spells with secondary effects too which will raise their viability.
@Rushbo. It’s funny you mentioned that since the Anime just introduced it: a Ritual Spell Card that gives additional Effects to your Ritual Monster if you meet certain conditions.
I’m sure in 2 years the ritual spells gonna be more generic so not sure if the each ritual spell summons specific monsters it’s 100% accurate
‘s what the official page says, darlin’.
inb4 LEGEND Contract with the Abyss
y’know out of all of the things Rush Duel fixed about modern i am still miffed about one thing.
Why do we have “Ritual” Spells but not “Fusion” Spells?
We have Equip Spells
… and Trap cards that equip to monsters.
This is also my doubt, shouldn’t ritual spells have their own marking like Fusion spells Or should both types of Spell be marked
Waiting for this to be implemented in Edopro, also does anyone have their discord link?
Wait, is Rush just now getting Rituals?
Their introduction was tied to a major set up/plot twist from late in the second show.
I’ll die on this hill: this is how Rituals should’ve worked from the start.
To be fair, Rituals were created during the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh. Whole game was poorly designed back them. (Before archetype, hard once per turn, and when only one Field Spell was permitted.) They didn’t even have a decent idea of an Extra Deck. So you really can’t blame them for maintain them main deck.
You aren’t wrong. Most of the issues Rituals had from the start was that you had to get all the specific cards needed together. Luckily Relinquished being cheap and powerful mitigated Ritual Decks for a while, but is still a big card loss even with a Level 1 summon.
When a Ritual Deck becomes competitive is most likely because it ignores Ritual rulings.
It was mainly the fact most Ritual monsters (especially non-effect ones) had crappy stats when compared to what could be Tribute Summoned or Fusion Summoned, and for the most part their effects were only on par with their contemporary monsters of other Summon classes, not greater. In fact it seemed to be a problem where many early Yugioh cards were too weak compared to others so it wasn’t worth using them (Geminis say hello), compared to the power creep over power creep seen in the modern era.
On one hand the early weakness could be due to how Rituals (ideally) were meant to be easier to get out compared to Tributes and Fusions (they don’t need specific monster cards, can use Tributes in the hand, can use just 1 Tribute (even another copy of themselves), and don’t take away the Normal Summon). But yet it terms out sitting on Summoned Skull and boosting it with other cards was less resource intensive then needing to filter the Deck for the Ritual Spell and Ritual Monster (especially due to a lack of searching at the time).
I imagine in the distant future, Konami will have Ritual Spells that let you Ritual Summon more than just that one specific-named monster, but still be like the design of Fusions where the Ritual Monster you Summon with that Spell has to require any combination of two or more categories: specific Level, Type, Attribute, and/or stats (ATK and/or DEF). As for future Ritual themes that has no common identification in those categories, Konami will have to get creative like.
“[Requirement]: Reveal a monster (with a Level) {if needed for future monsters from a future mechanic that may not have one} in your hand.
[Effect]: Ritual Summon 1 Ritual Monster whose ([one or more combinations of Level, Type. Attribute, ATK, and/or DEF]) is the same as that revealed monster by sending monsters in your hand and/or on your field to the GY as material whose combined Levels [{ (exactly) equal +/- or exceed, depending on context and/or balance of the game’s power ceiling}] the Level of that Ritual Monster. (You cannot use more monsters than necessary as material.)”
Also we may even get Field and/or Equip Spells as well as Trap cards that let you Ritual Summon.