Rush Duel July 1st, 2024 Limit Regulation Announcement
NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.
Oh, I mean, in two weeks we would have the next Rush Duels’s Banlist.
Unlike the previous time, where everyone asked for Legend Strike and Legend Magician to be limited, here it is more difficult to know which card needs to be limited.
I only have three options:
– Limit cards from a Deck that has been Meta for a long time (Secret Investigator or Rush’s Harpie)
– Limit cards that allow you to create Engines in various Decks (Dark Lurker, Praime Dwarf, Ryozai)
– Limit Trap Cards’s Staples (which has become more common in recent months)
Or they could do nothing and just release some cards from the Banlist: Excutie Lilius or Grand Extreme for example.
– Agree with Light Reptile nerf, been meta since its release. Harpie get beatdown pretty easily by high recovery deck (most deck)
– Ryozai is a little too OP but it make konami print more card to counter it so it wont be touched, Dark Lurker and Praime Dwarf are fine (deck play max 1 or 2 lurker anyway)
– Agree with the annoyance of Shiny Shady and Dream, but i dont think they gonna hit too hard, semi one or two is acceptable (prefer shiny shady more). Should focus more on Trap for each Archertype to have more variety. Im bored to play against shiny shady in every deck
Overall, Rush is very balance in term of meta deck and casual deck, even they change nothing in the banlist, the game is still enjoyable for the most part
There’s little point speculating on what cards Konami will hit or remove from the list, especially given Konami’s questionable lists in the past.
There are cards top meta players expected would get hits that didn’t, and cards they expected to not get hit that did.
The only somewhat reliable thing we can predict is that if Konami sees a FTK they will likely hit what they suspect is the main culprit.