Awakening means getting blinged out.
RD/KP20-JP018 覚醒のステゴケラトプス Kakusei no Stegoceratops (Awakened Stegoceratops) [Awakened Tristegatops]
Level 2 EARTH Dinosaur Effect Monster
ATK 1100
DEF 700
【REQUIREMENT】 If the only monsters in your GY are Dinosaur monsters, pay 500 LP.
【EFFECT】 Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the GY, then you can choose 1 EARTH Dinosaur monster with 1100 ATK or 1 “Ultra Evolution Miracle” in your GY and add it to the hand.
Shouldn’t it be called “Awakened Tristegatops”? It’s a retrain of “Tristegatops”, an already existing card.
Yep it should be. Has the same stats but reversed too.
Has only 2 targets, besides itself:
Dino Fossil Psycera
Little D
I have a feeling this means Little D is getting a fusion (Its a target for this and Pushcera also wants vanillas like ultra )
Outside of the GY’s Setup Effect (which is pretty cool), this Monster seems more like a setup for the future as it seems like we should have a Fusion Dinosaur Monster that meets its requirements.
That Fusion Monster might involve Dino Fossil Psycera or Little D.
This is a retrain of Tristegatops, which Diggs used in the anime, so like Dynakaiser this is also anime legacy support. Tristegatops is also featured in Ultra Evolution Miracle transforming into this monster, which implies there may be a Fusion monster for either this or the original in the future.
This card is a bit niche but it does set up your GY for Dynatops and Hoarding Platinidon, while optionally recovering UEM. (There are so few EARTH Dinosaurs with 1100 ATK and honestly this is the only valid one, though the odds of you milling another copy of this card to recover again are slim.)
Well, at least we can say that Dinosaur didn’t fall short with complementary support from this Pack.
Still, we clearly need a better Dinosaur Fusion Monster as I see Konami also wants to promote the Fusion strategy as a standalone thing.