Greetings once again, friends and fans of The Organization from all over the globe. It’s time to do that weekly thing I plan to do where I provide information about winning Decks from our country. We are truly grateful for the support (or at least absence of expressive dissatisfaction), and I hope this gives a somewhat fresh look on what ideas are already put into action in OCG areas. So without further gumflapping, the Decklists can be enjoyed just below.
Those All-Important Reminders:
Several single elimination mini-tournaments called “pods” are held simultaneously at tournament venues, usually with 8 to 16 participants.
The Philippines follows the OCG Forbidden and Limited Lists for February 2014, with additional restrictions imposed by Konami Asia forbidding the use of DT03 to DT14 cards that have not been printed outside Duel Terminal Products.
Decklists shown below are just some of the winners in our events. As the choice to submit a Decklist for this article is optional, we respect the other winners’ decision if wish to withhold information.
*Card names used in the Decklists will be TCG names as much as possible. If none exists, Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia names will be employed.*
Feb 08, 2014
Courtside Galleria Pod 1B
(5 participants, Single Elims)
Winner: Junely Santos
Deck: Evilswarm
Monsters: 19
3x Evilswarm Heliotrope
1x Dark Armed Dragon
3x Evilswarm Castor
3x Evilswarm Thunderbird
3x Evilswarm Kerykion
3x Evilswarm Mandragola
1x Evilswarm Azzathoth
2x Rescue Rabbit
Spells: 11
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Heavy Storm
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Forbidden Lance
2x Forbidden Dress
1x Infestation Pandemic
Traps: 11
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Torrential Tribute
1x Starlight Road
3x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Infestation Infection
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Solemn Warning
Extra Deck: 15
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Number 85: Crazy Box
1x Evilswarm Ouroboros
1x Gemknight Pearl
1x Evilswarm Ophion
1x Number 66: Master Key Beetle
1x King of the Feral Imps
1x Number 16: Shock Master
1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1x Diamond Dire Wolf
1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1x Daigusta Emeral
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Gagaga Cowboy
Side Deck: 15
1x Forbidden Lance
1x Dark Hole
2x Waboku
1x Xyz Reborn
1x Deck Devastation Virus
1x Eradicator Epidemic Virus
1x Skill Prison
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror
2x Soul Drain
1x Black Horn of Heaven
Feb 08, 2014
Courtside Galleria Pod 3B
(16 participants, Single Elims)
Winner: Elvis Agoto Jr
Deck: Heraldics
Monsters: 20
3x Heraldic Beast Leo
3x Heraldic Beast Aberconway
3x Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena
1x Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle
2x Heraldic Beast Unicorn
3x Kagetokage
1x Heraldic Beast Eale
1x Heraldic Beast Basilisk
3x Tinplate Goldfish
Spells: 8
1x Heavy Storm
3x Advanced Heraldry Art
1x Foolish Burial
1x Monster Reborn
2x Heraldry Reborn
Traps: 12
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Torrential Tribute
3x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Solemn Judgment
3x Mind Over Matter
1x Solemn Warning
Extrad Deck: 15
1x Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage
1x King of the Feral Imps
2x Number 16: Shock Master
2x Number 18: Heraldic Progenitor Plain-Coat
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
2x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Lavalval Chain
1x Gagaga Cowboy
Side Deck: 15
2x Fencing Fire Ferret
2x Gagaga Gardna
2x Electric Virus
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Transmigration Prophecy
2x Vanity’s Emptiness
2x Fiendish Chain
1x Royal Decree
Feb 08, 2014
Courtside Galleria Pod 4A
(16 participants, Single Elims)
Winner: Louren Vidad
Deck: Heraldics
Monsters: 20
3x Heraldic Beast Leo
3x Heraldic Beast Aberconway
3x Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena
1x Heraldic Beast Basilisk
2x Heraldic Beast Unicorn
1x Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle
3x Kagetokage
2x Tinplate Goldfish
1x Photon Thrasher
1x Traptrix Myrmeleo
Spells: 10
3x Advanced Heraldry Art
3x Forbidden Lance
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Foolish Burial
1x Heavy Storm
Traps: 12
3x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Torrential Tribute
2x Mind Over Matter
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
Extra Deck: 15
2x Number 18: Heraldic Progenitor Plain-Coat
1x Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage
3x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1x Diamond Direwolf
1x Number 16: Shock Master
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Lavalval Chain
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Daigusto Emeral
1x King of the Feral Imps
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Side Deck: 15
3x Maxx “C”
2x Waboku
2x Mind Crush
2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x D.D. Crow
1x Transmigration Prophecy
Feb 08, 2014
Anaheim Hobby Shop Pod
(8 participants, Single Elims)
Winner: George Henry Juezan
Deck: Chronomaly
Monsters: 15
3x Chronomaly Nebra Disk
3x Chronomaly Golden Jet
3x Chronomaly Crystal Skull
3x Chronomaly Crystal Bones
2x Honest
1x Swift Scarecrow
Spells: 12
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Pot of Duality
2x Chronomaly City Babylon
1x Chronomaly Pyramid Eye Tablet
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
Traps: 13
2x Torrential Tribute
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Mirror Force
1x Black Horn of Heaven
1x Starlight Road
Extra Deck: 15
2x Gorgonic Guardian
1x Wind-up Zenmaines
1x Number 16: Shock Ruler
1x Gear Gigant X
1x Diamond Dire Wolf
1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Number 36: Chronomaly Fork Hyuk
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Wind-up Arsenal Zenmaioh
1x Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech
1x Number 61: Volcasuarus
1x Constellar Pleiades
1x Shark Fortress
Side Deck: 15
2x Chaos Trap Hole
2x Dust Tornado
2x Seven Tools of the Bandit
2x D.D. Crow
1x Mind Crush
1x Overworked
1x Soul Drain
1x Void Trap Hole
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Grave of the Super Ancient Organism
1x Black Horn of Heaven
Feb 09, 2014
Courtside North Pod
(7 participants, modified Single Elims)
Winner: Kennethskee Logico Febra
Deck: Geargia
Monsters: 18
3x Geargiarmor
3x Geargiaccelerator
3x Geargiano Mk-II
1x Geargiano Mk-III
1x Geargiano
1x Geargiarsenal
1x Geargiauger
1x Machina Force
2x Machina Fortress
1x Machina Gearframe
1x Cyber Stein
Spells: 6
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Limiter Removal
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Forbidden Lance
Traps: 16
3x Geargiagear
3x Call of the Haunted
2x Mirror Force
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Fiendish Chain
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Solemn Warning
Extra Deck: 15
2x Gear Gigant X
1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1x Diamond Dire Wolf
1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Daigusta Emeral
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Number 16: Shock Master
1x Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
1x Ghostrick Alucard
1x Geargigear XG
1x Cyber Twin Dragon
Side Deck: 15
2x Maxx “C”
1x Swift Scarecrow
1x Forbidden Lance
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Rivalry of Warlords
2x Gozen Match
2x Soul Drain
2x Light-Imprisoning mirror
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Imperial Iron Wall