You may not like it, but this is what Peak Performance looks like.
アビスカイト・マキシシェル Abysskite Maximail
Equip Spell Card
This card’s name in the GY becomes “Abysskite Ultimail”.
【REQUIREMENT】 Shuffle 3 LIGHT Sea Serpent Maximum monsters with different names from your GY into the Deck, then equip to 1 face-up Sea Serpent monster on your field.
【EFFECT】 If there is only 1 monster on your field, the equipped monster gains 3000 ATK.
ダークマター・アッセンブルフォース Dark Matter Assemble Force
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 Shuffle 1 “Dark Matter Enigmata” or “Dark Matter Enigknight Zweiger” from your GY into the Deck.
【EFFECT】 You gain 2000 LP, then, you can choose 1 face-up Level 2 or higher monster on your opponent’s field and decrease its Level by 1, then, you can choose 1 “Dark Matter Force” in your GY and add it to the hand.
ザ☆パーフェクト・ドラギアスター The☆Perfect Dragiastar [The Perfect Dragiastar]
Level 12 LIGHT High Dragon Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 4400
DEF 2700
Materials: “The Dragias” + 4 Level 7 monsters
【REQUIREMENT】 If your LP is lower than your opponent’s, you can send 1 card from your hand to the GY.
【EFFECT】 This card can attack each opponent monster once each.
ザ☆バーサス・フュージョン The☆Versus Fusion [The Versus Fusion]
Normal Spell Card
【EFFECT】 Fusion Summon a monster whose materials include “The Dragias” by shuffling 1 face-up Normal Monster on your field and 1 or more non-Dragon monsters from your GY into the owner’s Deck.
At least Perfect Dragiastar is a Dragiastar their whole gimmick is attacking multiple times but… again, another Rush Boss monster whose effect is “Attack more times” come on Konami, don’t turn that effect into Rush’s “When a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can Negate that card or effect’s activation”
I dont remember recent boss monsters attack more one time, just grand legend sword
And is a dragias, they need attack multiple times
The Perfect Dragiastar is basically a dragon version of Chimeratech Overdragon.
Perfect attack all monsters same time, so you cant actived time machine for exemple or cards make you can attack just one time
If you look closely at Abysskite Maximail, you can see an Abysskite Ange wearing the armor seen in other Abysskite’s Artworks. It could easily become a Monster of its own in the future.
On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised if, in the future, Konami decides to lock in specific strategies with each Darkmen like that Spell Card.
As for the rest of the cards, if they are printed (I doubt it), I can see them being improved to fit into their respective Deck.
Why is Kalos getting a legends game but not Unova?
This is what Peak Dragon Performance looks like!
Why doesn’t The Perfect Dragiastar have a Multi-Choice Effect, and why do you need 5 materials all of whom must be Level 7?
The thing about the 5 Level 7 Fusion Materials I think is for Anime reasons: since The☆Versus Fusion was used to bring that Fusion Monster and you can cheat the Requirements by using the GY (think of those cards that Yuga used in SEVENS where you had to have 7 or more Level 7 Monsters in the GY to activate)
Now… Why doesn’t The Perfect Dragiastar have Multi-Choice Effect? I have no idea. Maybe because it wasn’t necessary for the needs of the Episode (since they don’t plan on it being printed anytime soon). It’s not the first time where a Monster has an incomplete Effect in Yu-Gi-Oh in general (and Rush Duels already has Fusion Monsters that are Exclusive Types but don’t have Multi-Choice Effect like Skysavior)
The odd thing here is The☆Versus Fusion: usually, Fusion Spell Cards in Anime are meant and created to be used with the rest of the Duelist’s Deck. However, The☆Versus Fusion seems to have been created with the sole intention of being useful in that Duel between The Luge and Rovian: other than that, there is no synergy with The Luge’s Deck as it is written.
The KINO Dragiastar
Not all Fusion monsters have multi choice. The Versus Fusion seems to be a Tag fusion card, cause it would be useless by itself in Luke or The Luge deck because they mainly use only Dragons and High Dragons. Since The Perfect Dragiastar requires 4 level 7 monsters (non specific type), I would use Dragon Tribe Fusion in a Dragon only deck.
The Fusions with Rush Duel exclusive Fusion Types either have a Multi-Choice Effect or a Continuous Effect. This is the first one with just a standard Effect.
Dark Matter Assemble Force should be 2000 LP, not 1200.