From the farthest regions of the universe, comes a legend!
RD/KP20-JP066 ミラクル・コンタクト Miracle Contact
Normal Spell Card
[EFFECT] Fusion Summon a monster whose written materials includes “Elemental HERO Neos” by shuffling materials from your field and/or GY into the owner’s Deck.
Really quick powercreep in contact fusion un
And sevens wonder 2, but neos fusions are weak in comparison of sevens fusion
Not exactly. Sevens Wonder Fusion shuffled materials for any Fusion Summon back into the Deck, so long as one of the monsters shuffled was Magician. It didn’t require the Fusion to list Magician as a material.
This meant you can Fusion Summon monsters with generic materials as long as Magician qualifies as that generic. This meant you could Fusion Summon Tridynabase with SWF even though Magician isn’t listed as a material.
Miracle Contact conversely only limits it to Fusions that specifically list Neos as material. So you can’t use Contact to summon Tridynabase. And as we get more generic Fusions down the line, this will only end up being even more important as Wonder Fusion may potentially be exploitable again but Miracle Contact won’t be.
This card only has 3 targets so far but none of them are overtly broken, unlike say Sevensgias which completely broke an otherwise fine Fusion Spell.
Hell, I think Sevens Wonder Fusion should be removed from the list because the very Deck that exploited it really only exploited the existing Level 7 engine that by sheer coincidence played multiple Level 7 Type monsters and just so happened to play both the materials anyway, and it was only truly broken for a single Fusion monster I don’t even think sees play anymore.
Konami not introducing a new Neos Fusion monster in here pretty much just tells us they are quite aware of how exploitable SWF was even though the card on paper was just okay, and they are slowly drip feeding support for Neos in such a way that it won’t end up semi limiting the Deck.
While Sevens Wonder Turbo isn’t as powerful as it once was, it’s still a viable/decent option in the Meta: especially with all those generic Monsters you can put in the Pile.
Ironically, Sevens’ Fusion Monsters still have a presence in the Meta like Obsidian Magical Soldier Deck, who is starting to use Roadstar Gladimagia.
fun fact this is better then the master duel one xD cause this actually fusion summons the master duel one does not
Yes and no. Rush’s Miracle Contact summons the monster normally, while the original ignores the summon conditions, meaning you can revive the monster from the GY after it leaves the field in Rush but not in MD. (Not that it matters much to begin with since Rush doesn’t have any card that summons ignoring conditions iirc.)
However, Rush’s Contact must also be hard drawn into since there is no way to search/excavate it from your Deck or recover it from the GY. Furthermore, it does not shuffle materials from the hand, only the field and GY.
No way to recover it from the GY YET.