Snakes guarding a sarcophagus? Whomst would have thunk
-New Mate: Jinzo
“One of the most iconic Machine monsters. Countless Duelists relying on Trap Cards have been utterly thwarted by its arrival on the field.”
Price: 300 gems
-Updated Secret Pack
The Secret Pack Gods of Abyss and Arcadia has been updated to include the following cards:
Extox Hydra (SR)
Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord (SR)
Ogdoadic Daybreak (SR)
Ogdoadic Serpent Strike (R)
Night Sword Serpent (R)
Haggard Lizardose (R)
Vanguard of the Underground Emperor (N)
-New Secret Pack: Sacred Imperial Tomb
“Bring down punishment upon disruptos of hte king’s slumber! Utilize “King’s Sarcophagus” to weather the storm, reviving your “Horus” monsters again and again. “Ogdoadic” monsters compliment this strategy well, as they don’t tend to remain in the Graveyard for long either!”
This Secret Pack will be unlocked until March 6th (time zones applying), and until that date, you can get 1 free pack from it.
Konami still not wanting to release a female monster cause they hate fun
They’ve been making Waifu archetypes for the past decade. Wym?
Harpie Lady, DMG or even Backup Secretary would be nice.
Least obvious falseflagger, you are just trying to make waifuplayers look bad by association you faker
Just Google porn, loser
What the heck are you talking about? Sky Striker, Dragonmaid, Harpies , Amazoness, Lunalight, Marincess, Centurion, Witchcrafter, Cyber Angel, Traptrix, Aromaserapy, Altergeist, Windwitch, Nephthys, Rose… should I keep going? Mind you the members if these archetypes are ALL female.
anything can be female if you squint hard enough
Women = Porn, apparently.
could be talking about a female mate. we have laudry and uhhhhhh
i think that’s it
yeah, i think the OP talked about mate, we only have Laundry Dragonmaid and Galatea so far, However, I do want Dark Magician Girl of course, because she is the most popular female monster of all time.
Wanting a female monster as a ‘mate’ = completely innocent, apparently.
I would love a Toon DMG mate ❤️.
You’re the best gooner on YGOrg, never change josh
Year of the Snake themed pack just like what the latest Selection Box ended up being for Duel Links
Who cares about this secret pack? When do we get new six samurai cards? TCG already has the cards for few months now.
probably later so they can also throw in the SUDA card
another proof konami hates red-eyes black dragon, we still dont have a mate
We didn’t get any Blue Eyes female either till Abyss Dragon… I know technically Deep Eyes is a Blue Eyes card but she is not “treated” as one.
If the game was good we’d have an unhappy maiden mate.
Jinzo mate but still no Dark Magician Girl or Diabellestar
As it should be
Where tf is the new exodia stuff
I want the god cards to get ones
drip feeding secret pack updates again huh