This posting format is illegible, never do this again.
joe on
P-Jinn on
This posting format is legible, do this again.
joe on
White wind Pollarion on
Cool, the Dora Drago is wholesome and adorable and works with the other dragon!
flackenstien on
I haven’t been keeping track, is there room for a possible Dinomist/Igknight wave in this set, like we got Majespecters a few sets back?
I was really hoping we wouldn’t have to wait so long for them.. especially since they started with Majespecter, the deck that has the most success out of the 3.
ScionStorm on
Hoping Igknights. Then Dinomist in October so the community can spend the ending of the year anxiously questioning whether Amorohics are about to get new support in 2025.
N on
I like the original format better.
Bruno Santo on
roflcopter on
if you’re gonna embed images for tls for whatever misguided reason at least scale them properly lol jesus
Satchmo on
joe on
John Fortnite on
This posting format might be legible, maybe do this again.
Justin Jones on
Yay another Chinese Dragon/Wyrm archtype. That’s definitely what this game needs right now.
Its the Wave 2 from the cards in Legacy of Destruction
Justin Jones on
My point still stands. Konami’s running out of monster designs. This game probably won’t last another decade.
SammyK03 on
YuGiOh will live another 25 and still have fresh designs
these are the first cards to look like this, even the Tenyi and Yang Zing cards look wildly different
dogura on
Lmao nah let’s be real it won’t live another 25 years. The old veteran will probably most retired. And with the famously how yugioh game is very hard for beginner… yeah no way lol.
Instead of how they should fix it for beginner friendly, they think the solution is just make a new game instead for beginner lol.
FGO on
Flashbanged from the white image cuz i used dark mode on this site
Logic Bomb on
Pretty damn solid support
Longyuan22 on
I agreed with Ligma above me. Yugioh is about to die soon. The game is being pushed to its limit without anything new from Konami. Unless Konami is doing something like releasing new anime to promote their game again, it’s just a matter of time.
Longyuan22 on
Yugioh will die sooner or later. The game is being forced to be pushed to its limit; people are already tired of it, and the TCG banlist now can’t deal with the new toxic cards released from the OCG banlist every 3 months. The TCG will either ban them or let them exist and become their natural environment, just like Maxx C in the OCG.
Potatoo on
I’m sorry you’re not enjoying the game but it’s doing pretty well right now.
Great Ligma on
No it ain’t.
Vivi on
Unfortunately I agree. Yugioh has a huge problem with getting new players. Most current players are in their late 20s minimum, with the vast majority being in their 30s. In 25 years from now, the playerbase will be in their 50s. Meanwhile, Pokémon, MTG, One Piece, and Lorcana all have no problem getting new players.
Lenny on
Broken, le tour 1 de tempai devient très puissant et encore plus de stabilité et de moyen de tourner autour des handtraps
Kusuriya on
Um… Formatting aside. Shouldn’t this be labeled as OCG & TCG news not just news? Rush duel is separated into its own category of news, so why have you been uploading this news under the generic ‘news’ tag Satchmo? I came in multiple times thinking there is no news at all for the TCG/OCG.
I’m naming Satchmo specifically, cause they’re the ones who have posted the recent news recently which should be under OCG & TCG categories.
Satchmo on
Fixed, thank you.
24 on
Honestly, needs smaller text to read
Jofx on
Here bro 6 more starter to OTK deck – Konami
ReyMercury on
The Deck was already Top contender, Broken as one might say, and now you are giving them 3 more starters, a turn 1 card that works on turn 2 AND we can now synchro summon outside lvl 7s / lvl 11s
Nah this is WILD!!!!
ReyMercury on
Did i say 3 starters? just reread yellow tenpi, they can summon white/red from deck nah NAAH this is 6 starters and extenders wtf Konami this is awesome and terrifying at the same time! Hahahaha
Petsinwinter on
The new cards still don’t give them in-engine access to any synchros outside of lv7/Lv10* unfortunately. All the tuners are lv4 and all the the non-tuners are lv3. There’s sort of cases for Lv6, 8, and 12 synchros if you run playable, but not very good, fire dragons, but not really
Ahlix on
Format is legible. Do again.
Okay but please add written text next time
... on
See it’s not always about the 20 minutes main phase 1s. After that you get to enjoy the OTK phase.
thebaseddd2 on
Cute girls play Mahjong for 2 seasons in a row but still never a proper tutorial in the 1st episode. They sort of tried in the last one but eh. I wonder if the yakuza mahjong minigame is as frustrating as facing these things.
Sky Striker Bedge on
This posting format is illegible, never do this again.
This posting format is illegible, never do this again.
Scaling is better, but having the card text not work with text to speech now is very poor for accessibility for those with vision issues.
This posting format is illegible, never do this again.
This posting format is illegible, never do this again.
This posting format is illegible, never do this again.
This posting format is illegible, never do this again.
This posting format is legible, do this again.
Cool, the Dora Drago is wholesome and adorable and works with the other dragon!
I haven’t been keeping track, is there room for a possible Dinomist/Igknight wave in this set, like we got Majespecters a few sets back?
I was really hoping we wouldn’t have to wait so long for them.. especially since they started with Majespecter, the deck that has the most success out of the 3.
Hoping Igknights. Then Dinomist in October so the community can spend the ending of the year anxiously questioning whether Amorohics are about to get new support in 2025.
I like the original format better.
if you’re gonna embed images for tls for whatever misguided reason at least scale them properly lol jesus
This posting format might be legible, maybe do this again.
Yay another Chinese Dragon/Wyrm archtype. That’s definitely what this game needs right now.
Its the Wave 2 from the cards in Legacy of Destruction
My point still stands. Konami’s running out of monster designs. This game probably won’t last another decade.
YuGiOh will live another 25 and still have fresh designs
these are the first cards to look like this, even the Tenyi and Yang Zing cards look wildly different
Lmao nah let’s be real it won’t live another 25 years. The old veteran will probably most retired. And with the famously how yugioh game is very hard for beginner… yeah no way lol.
Instead of how they should fix it for beginner friendly, they think the solution is just make a new game instead for beginner lol.
Flashbanged from the white image cuz i used dark mode on this site
Pretty damn solid support
I agreed with Ligma above me. Yugioh is about to die soon. The game is being pushed to its limit without anything new from Konami. Unless Konami is doing something like releasing new anime to promote their game again, it’s just a matter of time.
Yugioh will die sooner or later. The game is being forced to be pushed to its limit; people are already tired of it, and the TCG banlist now can’t deal with the new toxic cards released from the OCG banlist every 3 months. The TCG will either ban them or let them exist and become their natural environment, just like Maxx C in the OCG.
I’m sorry you’re not enjoying the game but it’s doing pretty well right now.
No it ain’t.
Unfortunately I agree. Yugioh has a huge problem with getting new players. Most current players are in their late 20s minimum, with the vast majority being in their 30s. In 25 years from now, the playerbase will be in their 50s. Meanwhile, Pokémon, MTG, One Piece, and Lorcana all have no problem getting new players.
Broken, le tour 1 de tempai devient très puissant et encore plus de stabilité et de moyen de tourner autour des handtraps
Um… Formatting aside. Shouldn’t this be labeled as OCG & TCG news not just news? Rush duel is separated into its own category of news, so why have you been uploading this news under the generic ‘news’ tag Satchmo? I came in multiple times thinking there is no news at all for the TCG/OCG.
I’m naming Satchmo specifically, cause they’re the ones who have posted the recent news recently which should be under OCG & TCG categories.
Fixed, thank you.
Honestly, needs smaller text to read
Here bro 6 more starter to OTK deck – Konami
The Deck was already Top contender, Broken as one might say, and now you are giving them 3 more starters, a turn 1 card that works on turn 2 AND we can now synchro summon outside lvl 7s / lvl 11s
Nah this is WILD!!!!
Did i say 3 starters? just reread yellow tenpi, they can summon white/red from deck nah NAAH this is 6 starters and extenders wtf Konami this is awesome and terrifying at the same time! Hahahaha
The new cards still don’t give them in-engine access to any synchros outside of lv7/Lv10* unfortunately. All the tuners are lv4 and all the the non-tuners are lv3. There’s sort of cases for Lv6, 8, and 12 synchros if you run playable, but not very good, fire dragons, but not really
Format is legible. Do again.
Okay but please add written text next time
See it’s not always about the 20 minutes main phase 1s. After that you get to enjoy the OTK phase.
Cute girls play Mahjong for 2 seasons in a row but still never a proper tutorial in the 1st episode. They sort of tried in the last one but eh. I wonder if the yakuza mahjong minigame is as frustrating as facing these things.
This posting format is illegible, never do this again.
Draco has a friend I’m happy for them
Please just post text next time. This is not very friendly to people with a disability that TTS would help with.
To be clear, the images do have embedded alt text including card text for those who use TTS solutions.
That said, this was an experiment, so appreciate the feedback!