Heraldry get two of their most crucial cards reprinted, as is Yusei’s not-stated-to-be-but-totally-is-Limit-Over-Accel-Synchro endgame boss from the 5D’s manga.
24TP-JP507 – Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon
24TP-JP508 – Number 69: Heraldry Crest
24TP-JP509 – Advanced Heraldry Art
24TP-JP510 – Snatch Steal
Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG INFO Twitter
5D’s era Dragon-Type Monsters being humanoid and pretty darn shredded, specifically the male-coded ones, was a design motif I kind of forgot they tended to have until I saw this clear picture of Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon for the first time in forever.
Sifr is interesting.
Agreed. Not sure what it’s meant to be for.
I’m also wondering about the specific presence of Snatch Steal.
it’s for Blue-Eyes. it prevents the new boss monster from exploding in the end phase due to Spirit Dragon.
Blue-Eyes, to prevent Ultimate Spirit from popping itself or when True Light is destroyed
Ancient Pixie Dragon needs a reprint really badly.
Ancient fairy dragon probably. Retrain and generic good synchro support.
So they are reprinting Stardust for Blue-Eyes, got it.