Yudias can’t be the only one to get new additions to his Deck.
RD/KP20-JP009 Voidvelg Universtella
Level 1 DARK Galaxy Effect Monster
ATK 100
DEF 100
【REQUIREMENT】 Shuffle 3 DARK Galaxy monsters from your GY into the Deck.
【EFFECT】 Send this card on the field to the GY, then, you can choose 1 Spell/Trap on your opponent’s field and destroy it. If you destroy it, then, you can choose 1 “Universal Storm” in your GY and add it to the hand.
RD/KP20-JP010 Voidvelg Hetairoi
Level 3 DARK Galaxy Effect Monster
DEF 1300
【REQUIREMENT】 During the turn this card was Normal Summoned, if you control another face-up Galaxy monster, change this Attack Position card to face-up Defense Position.
【EFFECT】 This card gains 1300 DEF until the end of the opponent’s next turn.
RD/KP20-JP044 Voidvelg Forbidden Requiem
Level 9 DARK Galaxy Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 3000
DEF 1600
Materials: “Voidvelg Requiem” + “Voidvelg Palerider”
You can Contact Fusion this card.
【REQUIREMENT】 Send the top 3 cards of the Deck to the GY.
【EFFECT】 This card gains 900 ATK until the end of the turn, then, you can choose cards on your opponent’s field up to [The number of DARK Galaxy Monsters with 1600 or more ATK sent to the GY for this effect’s requirement] and destroy them.
RD/KP20-JP052 Void Dust Fusion
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 Shuffle 1 DARK Galaxy Normal Monster from your GY into the Deck.
【EFFECT】 Fusion Summon a Level 9 DARK Galaxy monster with 2000 or more DEF by shuffling 2 DARK Galaxy monsters from your GY into the Deck, but for the rest of this turn, monsters cannot attack, except the monster you Special Summoned with this effect.
RD/KP20-JP060 Requiem Strike Back
Normal Trap Card
【REQUIREMENT】 If your LP is at least 2500 less than your opponent’s when your opponent’s monster declares an attack targeting your face-up “Voidvelg Requiem”.
【EFFECT】 Negate that attack, then, you can inflict damage to your opponent equal to [The attacking monster’s ATK].
A warrior’s sorrow, the soldier of demise.
Meld together as a champion of destruction and shatter those who linger.
Wow that chant was awesome
It’s clear that Zwijo had a love-hate relationship with Dark Matter that made Void Dust Fusion become xenophobic: it can’t be used for Dark Matter’s Fusion Monsters.
It’s interesting to note that, despite what happened at the end of the last Arc in GO RUSH, Voidvelg Forbidden Requiem can be brought with Contact Fusion.
The Contact Fusion clause is just added for convenience. Whispurring Fairy and Tune Flutomahawk were also arbitrarily given this designation.
Void Dusk Fusion can be used for Emperor Dragon and Galaxy Dragon, so it just make that way to cuck Zwijo’s Contract fusion monster
Void Dust Fusion is a huge buff for Voidvelg. It gives you more reasons to play Palerider and Contact Voyager, and you no longer need to summon Hecatoncheir or Chrysaor to the field anymore. The Contact Fusion is decent. The other anime cards are bad to waste of cardboard.
I don’t know….. Universtella and Requiem Strike Back sound pretty OP in Rush’s Duel Links (from my knowledge)
– Universtella allows recursion in addition to removing Backrow. DARK Galaxy uses the classic Galaxy’s Backrow remover in the Deck. Therefore, this Monster is 2 for 1.
– Due to the lower amount of LP and the fact that it’s quite common for DARK Galaxy to have Requiem on the Field, Requiem Strike Back becomes more of a weapon of punishment to all OTK Decks (like Metarion)
This depends on if these cards come to Duel Links fast enough. Aside from Ancient Gear Golem and Imaginary Reactor iirc, no other cards were immediately ported over to the format before or after release. Konami is very conservative with not porting the other cards for either theme over, and they are very direct on limiting cards they see as degenerate. I can’t see RSB ever coming into the format especially when Voidvelg is already viable there.
That looks so cool
Gehennamagia’s promo release wasn’t just a coincidence, was it?
Void Dust Fusion was expectedly made unsplashable outside of Voidvelgr Decks, but it’s still a strong Spell for its core Deck. This is must be a sign of things to come and the remainder of Dark Matter related cards finally getting printed. The archetype is the closest what Rush has to the Flip mechanic.
Zwijo’s Fusion monster gave me Vicious Astraloud vibes.
Finally. YGOrganzation tweet dark mode.
Cool that we’re getting some of the anime-exclusive cards.
Why does the fusion look like a card from cfv? 🤔