Jointech Darkness Tyrant gets a little brother.
RD/5TH1-JP045 ジョインテック・ベビータイラント Jointech Baby Tyrant
Level 4 EARTH Machine Monster
ATK 1200
DEF 300
【REQUIREMENT】 During the turn this card was Normal Summoned.
【EFFECT】 Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY, then, if there are 3 or more Machine monsters in your GY, then you can choose 1 “Jointech Joint” in your GY and add it to the hand.
Behold! The Genobraker!
I mean look at the Genobraker, then look at this card’s art
Funny tyrant no be darkness, more good yet, very good effect, and jt have fusion recovery and cydra no, POINT AND LAUGHT GUYS
Actually it is. Baby Tyrant is the baby form of Darkness Jointech Tyrant, much like how DJT is the corrupted form of Jointech Rex. Baby Tyrant sets up your GY for Nesstrydar Tank, who does not have the monster effect lock of DJT so you can play Baby Tyrant alongside it and revive Requiem or Leviaknight.
Though obviously you are meant to play this in Ancient Gear and CyDra, especially since Baby is EARTH (and not DARK). This is good for Hunting Hound, who needs another face up EARTH Machine on the field for its effect, and Supplier.
It’s also a hint we are getting Jointech Baby Rex in Accel Road along with Ace Rex. Baby Tyrant’s stats line up exactly with Baby Rex’s.
This is Royal Demons Prime aka Advance Impacts greatest soldier from the Witches Kitchen discord server. To say i think its cool we finaly getting a good low level jointech would be a correct statement. I am simultaneously excited joyful and proud of the Yuhibros out there who have gone through hell and back and waited for this day and pushed through. I didnt expect this from the creators or Catrois Choice but they made the Yuhi nation proud
Rush Duel Must be Earth Machine the Game! Let’s GO! lol
Interestingly, there were no Jointech reprints in the 5th Anniversary Pack, but Jointech Joint was reprinted in the Rush’s Cyber Dragon Structure.
In any case, this Monster is generic since it can be used in any Machine Deck.
Yes, but Joint is for Ancient Gear too, which is supported in this set and just got a Nsw Fusion, and Joint has been used in competitive play for its first effect.
Cross promotion between products has also always been a thing in Yu-Gi-Oh.
Jointech Baby Tyrant does 3 things at once.
First, it supports Jointech Joint, which has been used in competitive play for its effect and just got reprinted in the CyDra SD.
Second, it cross promotes the SD and the Ancient Gear cards both in this set and over the past few months since Neo Legend Awakening Pack.
And third, as promised in the blurb, Baby Tyrant is anime support, in this case Jointech, which I suspect will get new support in Accel Road in Jointech Ace Rex, and thanks to the stats entirely lining up with it, Baby Rex should also be in this upcoming set. For Jointech specifically this is their go to miller now in place of Raptor, as Baby Tyrant doesn’t mill your opponent’s Deck.
Overall Baby Tyrant both sets up your GY for Joint and recovers Joint in Machine Decks. CyDra benefits from having their LIGHT Machines and CyDra in the GY and sets for Chimeratech Overdragon. Ancient Gear benefits from an easy way to set up for Megaton Golem, but also meet the requirements for Hunting Hound and Supplier.
news on the next main pack when?
Products are usually a month and a half before release date, so either later this month or early next month.
Hey, I wasn’t expecting Jointech, much less a Baby variant for Darkness Tyrant!
I guess that means those Anime’s Baby Rexes will be arriving at some point, right?
Such a young baby boy, but already a tyrant. This says a lot about our society