The final QCR Only anniversary monster.
ALIN-JP000 Master of Dragon Lord / Dragon Master Lord
DARK Dragon / Xyz / Effect
Rn12 5000/5000
2 Level 12 monsters
(1) This Xyz Summoned card cannot be destroyed by your opponent’s card effects, also your opponent cannot target it with card effects.
(2) If this cards attacks a Defense Position monster while you have 25 or more cards in your GY, inflict double piercing battle damage.
(3) Once per turn, if your opponent has 25 or more cards in their GY: You can detach 1 material from this card; Special Summon 1 monster from your Deck, Extra Deck, or GY.
This one feels like it’d be cool to build a fun Deck around.
The final Quarter Century card and as I predicted it would be an Xyz.
This seems one of the more useful promotion cards.
this looks cool as hell
Just a xyz of Dragon Master Knight. It’s not that good as you either have to cheat it out or hard make it. Even then the second effect is useless as they already have an XYZ in the game with that effect and doesn’t need 25 cards to get an extra deck monster out. The only difference is this one can get any extra deck monster out but it’s not a quick effect so the card has to live for you to use it.
which xyz special summons *any* monster from the extra? No monster like that exists to my knowledge
Centur-ion can get this out EASILY.
The 25 cards in gy isn’t the easiest thing yo pull-off but some madlad out there will figure it out. Also what xyz monster can cheat from Extra deck!?
XYZ align on 2 dragons makes this
Summoning it and getting the double piercing ain’t actually that hard, it’s the second effect that’s hard to get working unless you’re playing against Mermails or Paleos or hell even Noids.
This one is weirdly decent. Not competitive, but you could abuse it in some funny combo deck for sure.
This is obviously a fun card, not for competitive play so trying to rate it from competitive point of view is just wrong.
For what it is it’s absolutely bonker s- difficult to summon and properly use but it’s a 5k untargetable beatstick with potential double piercing and summon of another big thing. Worth noting that second effect is not once per turn so the dream is to summon 1st Dragon Master Lord, use it’s (2) effect to grab 2nd Dragon Master Lord, use something to attach material to it and then use it’s effect to grab third Dragon Master Lord and make Seto Kaiba and his three Blue-Eyes look like third rate duelist with fourth-rate deck. It’s an essential Timmy card, speaking MTG terms.
Even tho there are better options 3 dragon Lords to make kaiba jealous is goated.
I hope these cards will never be reprinted. Then they will still be worth collecting even if they are unplayable.
Completely forgot that this is the Yugioh community. Konami should please mass produce it so that Timmy can have the card for $2. Even if it’s useless forever.
how the heck are you supposed to brin that thing out? I can only think about something like a “the level of this monster and another monster you controll become the combined level of both” way, or a very wastefull way resource wise, where you use 2 lv 12 synchros.
Is there any good way of bringing this thing out outside of centur-ion?
That was my immediate question when I saw the materials. Maybe a rank up spell card that seems like the easiest way but I don’t remember if there’s a generic one that messes with rank a lot. I know there’s a level higher generic one
– Infinitrack by using Anchor Drill and any Level 8 Machine (so basically like the first thing you described)
– Mecha Phantom Beasts by using any 2 Level 3 MPBs with 3 MPB tokens
– Any relatively easy-to-summon L12 + Galaxy Queen’s Light
– Ultimaya Tzolkin (it is treated as L12, and with its effect you can easily bring out more materials to make another one)
– Transcendosaurus
Light zarc+lightwurm with his level modification effect should work
XYZ align on any 2 dragons
Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force on Number C92: Heart-eratH Chaos Dragon.
All of these options feel extremely out there, but just randomly slotting this card in any of the mentioned strategys of a tier 2 deck could make a fun suprise/wincon.
Only problems now are the 25 cards in the gy limmits
this is the biggest waking the dragon target available right now
It’s a vanilla unless xyz summoned.
If its summoned that way it just doesnt have its protection effects, and no material for its 3rd effect, its other effect can still be triggered if your gy have enough cards.
And on the topic of good big waking the dragon targets, there are better ones, there are multiple who have 5000 atk, but others have effects which are actually guaranteed to be live, even if not summoned correctly. I think lightflare would be the best one in that case
Probably the best of the 25th anniversary cards by a fair margin.
And also the first Rank 12 Xyz that doesn’t either have an alt summon condition and/or expects you to RUM into it. There’s enough easy-ish ways to make 2 Level 12s nowadays that it actually isn’t all that impractical.
No alt condition yet
we may get some rank up which allows this to be summoned easily, or even some stupid card which allows you to summon any card which mentions “25” in its effects from anywhere, and give it some materials
XYZ align on any 2 dragons