Control the Dungeon and Watch their Despair!
Video Description:
Welcome to my ‘In Real Life’ take on Pure Mimighoul, by also including the Terros theme. In this video, I walk through my actual complete decklist, explaining the ratio and role, and more. Similar to the last profile, at the end of this one, I recorded two sample hands, just to show you the combo potential from both a well-off and less-well-off perspective.
If you would prefer to stick to my normal replay-heavy content, be sure to check out the two Mimighoul deck profiles I’ve shared before here:
CDP: Mimighoul Control, FLIP Gifts from the Dungeon
Please leave your feedback in the comments below if you liked this style of deck profile, or if you just have some tips/tricks on how I could improve this type of content when I revisit it in the future!
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page or through the site with your ideas for me to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Valkyrie, Crystal Beast, Ursarctic, Misturugi, Eldlich, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Heraldic Beast, Motor
Coming Soon:
List is wrong. Like super wrong
Monsters should be: 3 Fairy, 3 Dragon 3 Archfiend 1 Slime 1 Armor 1 Morphing Jar (To counter mulcharmies).
S/T 3 Maker 1 Terraforming 3 Field Spell 2 Room and everything else is non engine.
Run Subterror behemot Fiendess in the extra to work better with jar and use the new rank 1 to abuse it even more.
Have a great day!
Are you okay?
You’re being so rude to someone posting their decklist. They built it the way they wanted to. You’re free to make suggestions, but talking like that is so disrespectful
Hi there! At the end of the day, it is totally fine to have another perspective – i don’t know everything and I don’t mind being wrong. But acting like a specific strategy is solved or only correct one way, especially when it doesn’t have consistent meta results ,is a bit shortsighted in my opinion. Even ‘solved’ decks have room for innovation and creativity.
That said, the morphing jar is a decent concept and one that I was already going to play off of for a future casual cdp. But I’d recommend taking a different tone, perhaps more constructive, if you want your good points to be heard and valued. Again, I have thick skin and can take it, but others might not.
Just my 2 cents, thanks for engaging with my content!
Ain’t nobody running Morphing Jar in 2025
Wasn’t meant to come off as rude, my bad! I just noticed some imperfections and wanted to point em out.
Wishya a great day!
I believe it is too early on in Mimighoul’s lifespan to be able to accurately determine the ratios that should be played in this deck. It might be a little ambitious to call it imperfect, but time will tell.
There came a point when I realized all games become chores through optimization. It’s all so tiresome.
Oh yeah ofc 1 master as monster too, Forgot to mention it
Personal I don’t like copying what ever one does for decks. I like adding my own touch. Like back in the day during gold rare eldlich reprint. I play a Eldlich invoked shiranui dogmatika deck. So keep making decks the way you feel like it should be.