Viruses with iconic monster retrains?
Strategic Summary:
Welcome back for another Creative Deck Profile, and today we’re exploring the deck of Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair of Darkness! This strategy first emerged with a Structure Deck R back in the day, and it leverages its Field Spell to Tribute an opponent’s monster as cost to activate an effect. For example, Lilith, Lady of Lament can tribute an opponent’s monster to set a Normal Trap from the deck, while Lair of Darkness is on the field! This theme naturally goes well alongside Virus Traps, such as Deck Devastation Virus and Eradicator Epidemic Virus, but it also leverages undervalued options like Ballista Squad quite well. Part of the Trap lineup today also features the Dominus Traps, as both Dominus Purge and Dominus Impulse make an appearance. While you probably won’t want to activate either from the hand in this deck, they both offer quite powerful effects for Normal Traps, giving you a leg up in controlling the duel.
Now of course the Lady of Lament Fiends have been the stars of the Lair of Darkness strategy for eons, but today’s build also let’s Dragons have some fun in the Lair. Serpent Night Dragon, the Wicked Dragon (YGOrg Translation) is up first as a new addition. Summoning itself from the hand by Tributing any DARK Monster, this retrained Level 7 Dragon can completely wipe your opponents board of monsters if your opponent leaves a 2400+ ATK monster on the field. The other Tributing retrained Dragon in play today is Kaiser Glider – Golden Burst, a Level 6 LIGHT Dragon that has a Quick Effect to Tribute a monster and Special Summon itself from the hand. This is a great search off of Bystial Magnamhut if you already have Lair of Darkness on the board, as it turns into a hand trap that tributes an opponent’s monster as the cost! Don’t forget the rest of the Bystial lineup ever, The Bystial Lubellion tributing a Dragon for its summon can quickly add up into even more free Torment Tokens! Fight the control game on your turf in your very own Lair of Darkness!
Provided Decklist:
Monsters: 19
| Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair
||| The Bystial Lubellion
|| Serpent Night Dragon, the Wicked Dragon
| Bystial Druiswurm
| Bystial Magnamhut
| Bystial Saronir
| Bystial Baldrake
| Kaiser Glider – Golden Burst
||| Ahrima, the Wicked Warden
|| Lilith, Lady of Lament
|| Loris, Lady of Lament
| Alice, Lady of LamentSpells: 4
| Branded Regained
||| Lair of DarknessTrapS: 19
|| Archfiend’s Ghastly Glitch
|| Deck Devastation Virus
||| Dominus Impulse
|| Eradicator Epidemic Virus
| Back to the Front
|| Trap Tracks
|| Trap Trick
|| Ballista Squad
|| Dominus Purge
| Branded BeastExtra Deck:
| Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder
| Super Starslayer TY-PHON – Sky Crisis
| Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation
| Borrelend Dragon
| Unchained Abomination
| Topologic Zeroboros
| A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow
| Draco Masters of the Tenyi
| Borrelcode Dragon
| Knightmare Unicorn
| Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
| S:P Little Knight
| Sky Striker Ace – Azalea
| Barricadeborg Blocker
| I:P Masquerena
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page or through the site with your ideas for me to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Valkyrie, Crystal Beast, Heraldic Beast, Motor, Deskbot, Maliss, Mayakashi, Regenesis, D/D, Six Samurai, Hazy Flame, Yummy, K-9, Suship
Coming Soon:
snrk… huh, so the next deck, going by the thumbnail, is literally a Traptrix Engine.
Yeh Lair of Darkness is soo underrated as a structure deck, this is a rlly fun deck to play.
Also Ttaptrix is the most horrid deck to exist, lore wise, artwork wise, and play style wise.
But, since ryzeal is gonna be there, I may just take a look.
Lol only that trap hole nightmare (in thumbnail) is actually censored properly.
skill issue.
i tested the decki, so far so good, it’s actually quite fun to play, better than the trash i made