A Deck from Konami’s Instructors on how to combine Ancient Fairy Dragon with the Field Spell Card centric Triamid.
Browsing: News
The rumored final World Premiere for Code of the Duelist is revealed.
The legendary leader of the Six Samurai gets a reprint in Deck Build Pack: Spirit Warriors.
The dog and the knight both get their rarities clarified for the TCG, seemingly.
The final Magibullet monster is revealed, and it’s based on classic gunslinger Wild Bill Hicock!
People have probably seen this mentioned elsewhere, but a hard confirmation is always good.
But, like, a product announcement for this year’s physical box product. This picture of Ignis in a box is purely…
A sequel to the vaguely Duel Links-themed pack is announced!…And not much else.
4 New Cards Appear.
YGOrg revises its translations once a product is released, especially for main products.