Someone actually using Sweet Guitar, what a thrill.
Browsing: Konami Decklist
Cyber Dragon vs Synchro Tuner
More Decks from the Deck Instructor vs Princess Cup Duel Live, as well as the Instructor Championship.
Basically, most of this is Decks that have been buffed with recent cards, and armed with some tournament tier cards.
For some reason there’s only two Decks instead of five from Legend Duelist 4. Edit: 4 More Decks added
In which robot dragons fight spaceships and not!Jedi.
With a fairly aggressive focus on dealing burn damage, for some reason.
A Shiranui Deck vs 60 Card Monarch
Four things, though I don’t think Demise-Ruin was revised much if at all.
One of Japan’s running events for basically November, where Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! celebrities, of sorts, will Duel each other in a…