Let your sparks fly and your beautiful flames will leap and dance across the sky! Embrace your inner Pyromaniac!
Author: Quincymccoy
You’ve heard of Kaiju Graydle, but come check out what happens when you throw Wyrms into the mix!
Time to break out the old pose, because it’s time to shout OBLITERATE!!!
Hiding in plain sight? That’s the job of members of this archetype. One may even call it an Art form…
Well, the anime was right after all. Heart of the cards really does exist, and it doesn’t have to be because of luck.
Welcome to the next installment of my CDS articles, this time focused on an archetype that never truly took off to its full potential. Literally. The Mecha Phantom Beast archetype is one of the most versatile archetypes ever created, able to play Synchro Spam, Control, Rank 3/6/9 Xyz Spam, Rank 4/7/10 Xyz Spam, or even Swarm. Yet, they have never found a good avenue to completely break through into competitive. Let’s fly sky high by discussing this awesome archetype!
Welcome to the next installment of my CDS articles, this time focused on an archetype that is infamous for it’s ‘1-card OTK’. That’s right, we’re going to be talking about the Atlantean monsters, specifically what happens when you build a Atlantean-centric strategy. Let’s dive headfirst into the depths of the sunken city, all further puns intended.
Welcome back to a new CDS article, and this time we will be discussing a deck that has broken through into the competitive scene in the past through reliance on chance. Today, that all changes as I’m going to introduce you to low-chance Infernoids, relying on controlled milling and speedy drawpower!
Welcome to the next installment of the CDS articles, this time focused on combining Pendulum monsters with Ritual Summoning! Ritual monsters have always been the odd man out, requiring a large commitment in order to bring them to the field, so what better way to compensate for this hefty investment than to use Pendulum monsters to serve as the material? Just wait until you realize the other potential benefits!
We’ve all watched as Pendulum Monsters have come to sweep across the competitive metagame, as Pendulum archetypes have risen to define formats and dictate the most powerful tech cards. Instead, let’s discover what can happen when themes and archetypes use Pendulum engines to augment and enhance their strengths!