Author: Quincymccoy

Hello everybody! I serve as Number VIII of the Organization; however, my primary role on the site is to generate non-news content! Let's keep the endless flood of profiles on undervalued archetypes flowing, shall we?

Welcome to my next CDS article, and we will be returning to a deck that I have covered once before! Spell Counter decks have always struggled with one big issue – either you would draw too many monsters and not enough spells, or you would draw too many spells and not enough monsters. Even the build in my previous article had that issue. I’m here today to introduce two modern ideas on how to run a Spell Counter deck to solve that problem in this new age, so let’s jump right in!

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For the first time in CDS article history, the focus of this article is not about an archetype, theme or series, but rather this article focuses around a specific monster type! More specificly, the newest monster type! Let’s jump right in and learn about the power of Wyrms! And before you ask, this is NOT a Yang Zing article, but we will be introducing a secondary Synchro engine!

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Welcome to my next CDS article, and in this revival of my old article series, I will be discussing a theme that never got to shine. I’m sure you’ve guessed it by the obvious title, but this is all about the Fortune Ladies! The Fortune Lady archetype never caught on for a variety of reasons; mostly that it was an anime archetype without enough outside support. But ever since their release, loyal Fortune Lady duelists have wished for the level manipulating enchanters to shine. Let’s gaze into the hidden seances of a Fortune Lady deck, especially as it can adapt to the future that is fast approaching…

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A year following the last article about a TCG-Premiere archetype on Noble Knights, I decided to get together with the other U.A. fanboy on the YGOrg writing staff (UltimateKuriboh) and work on creating a comprehensive guide to the U.A. (Ultra Athlete) archetype! Click below to read about the sport freaks in all of their glory, and learn how you can use this archetype to win competitively in over 30 Word Doc pages of valuable information (20,000 words), none of which consist of history or lore theme. It’s purely related to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.

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In the story of the Duel Terminals, there was a peaceful tribe named the Gem-Knights… They were resilient, they had fought off the invaders time and time again. However, now smoke descended upon the peaceful village, rendering them unawares of those emerging from the depths of the restless ground beneath. The assault from the Firey Woodlands had begun! WARNING: This article is considered a Mega Article by my standards; this one is equivalent to approximately six of my normal CDS articles. So massive article incoming.

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The World was changing. Against the invasion of the Worms, no tribe of the original Terminal World could stand alone. And none could ignore the fight, even the most peaceful of the Duel Terminal Tribes. Hiding in their Forest, the Naturia tried to avoid getting caught in the conflict; but now, the fight had come to them for the first time. WARNING: This article is considered a Mega Article by my standards, which is equivalent to approximately three of my normal CDS articles, on a good day. So massive article incoming.

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In the story of the Duel Terminals, the Constellar left behind a series of machines to watch the seal they placed upon the Steelswarm prior to ascending into the stars during The Ancient Era. From the high heavens, these holy machines watched and waited. Now for the first time, the Vylon were finally entering the fray… But would they come to ensure peace in the troubled Terminal World? WARNING: This article is considered a Mega Article by my standards, which is equivalent to approximately four of my normal CDS articles, on a good day. So massive article incoming.

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Welcome to my next CDS article, and this week, we are going to be discussing a theme that never really got its time in the spotlight for what it was intended. I’m sure you’ve guessed it by now, but the Tech Genus monsters never caught on for a variety of reasons; mostly that the Synchro era was fast ending and the Xyz era was right around the corner. But for this very reason, the Tech Genus archetype was given a ton of power in Synchro Summoning; it was literally ‘the’ archetype to end Synchro archetypes with a bang. Let’s dive…

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This edition of the Casual Deck Strategy articles features an archetype that began in the GX era! And no, before you guess it, I’m not talking about Aliens, my absolute favorite archetype (and my first IRL deck). This archetype doesn’t even share common effects or trends, and they may have one of the largest number of almost 100% unusable support out of any archetype. And yet, this archetype has 2 of the most powerful draw spells ever, once of which that can draw up to 7 cards! It’s time to upgrade and join the fray with our Spacian friends! NEX!

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Welcome to another addition of the Casual Deck Strategy articles, and this time, we will be visiting an Archtype comprised entirely of Spell Cards! While the “Bamboo Sword” archtype definitely did not have a strong origin with a grand ‘useless equip’ in Tactical Evolution many moons ago, the archtype is definitely coming into its own as an effective theme-enhancing, combo strategy with the release of the latest support card in NECH, Fiendish Bamboo Sword. Let’s jump right into this unique strategy!

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