Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

開幕!!舞網チャンピオンシップ Kaimaku! ! Maiami Chanpionshippu (The Miami Championship Begins!!) October 12th, 2014 The Miami Championship finally kicks off, with You Show Duel School being represented by Yuya, Yuzu, Sora, Tatsuya, Futoshi and Ayu in their respective ranks. A number of formidable foes await them, with an unexpected face among them…

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EX Value can Enhance Your Deck! – Featured Card #5 “Mermail Abyssmegalo” A special reprint pack set-up of 2 packs of “The Gold Box” from 2012 (each pack containing 5 cards each) and either 1 “GOLD SERIES 2013” pack OR 1 Abyss Rising (ABYR) and 1 Cosmo Blazer CBLZ pack has appeared!

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