Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

“Subterror” Special Feature: An Ambush Assault! An Invasion Of Robust High-Level Flip Monsters!! “Extra Pack 2017” (on sale September 9th, 2017) contains the “Subterror” series which fights using powerful high Level Flip Monsters! You can flip your monsters face-down with their effects, which’ll continuously allow you to bring out High Level “Subterror Behemoths” that can be Special Summoned from the hand! Besides their explosive Flip Effects, there’s also Spell & Trap Cards that support your ability to make further moves at various times! And there’s even a Link Monster for this series that appears at the same time!

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