Take the Olympics to the 31st Century!
Note: ARG☆S(アルゴスターズ)is likely “Alternate Reality Game Stars”, but is meant to be read as ARGOStars, with the ☆ being both an O and read as Stars.
Note: The Three Trap Monsters’ adjectives/titles all reference World War 2 planes on the Japanese side, the Shiden, the Hien and the Toryuu.
Note: The Three Trap Monsters also reference the classic Greek Play, The Seven Against Thebes.
Note: The Effect Monster is named after Adrastus, the King of Argos.
SUDA-JP010 ARG☆S – Eikan no Adra (ARG☆S – Adra the Laurels)
Level 4 EARTH Warrior Effect Monster
ATK 1800
DEF 1800
You can only use the (3)rd effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) During your opponent’s turn, if you control a Continuous Trap (Quick Effect): You can banish this card from your hand; change the ATK of 1 face-up monster on the field to 0 until the end of this turn.
(2) If this card is Normal Summoned: Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to the activation of your Continuous Trap Cards and their effects for the rest of this turn.
(3) You can banish this card you control; place up to 2 “ARG☆S” Continuous Traps with different names from your hand and/or Deck face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone.
SUDA-JP058 ARG☆S – Home Stadium
Field Spell Card
(1) Once per turn: You can pay 1000 LP; add 1 “ARG☆S” card from your GY or banishment to your hand.
(2) Each time a Continuous Trap(s) is Special Summoned from the Spell & Trap Zone to your field, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.
(3) Once per Chain, if your Continuous Trap Card activates its effect in the Monster Zone while you have a banished “ARG☆S” monster: You can target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; negate its effects until the end of this turn.
SUDA-JP071 ARG☆S – Shiden no Tydel (ARG☆S – Tydel the Purple Lightning)
Continuous Trap
(1) Warrior monsters you control gain 500 ATK/DEF.
(2) Once per turn: You can discard 1 card; Special Summon this card as an Effect Monster (Warrior/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 2000/DEF 2000) with the following effect (it is also still a Trap), then you can add 1 “ARG☆S” card from your Deck to your hand, except “ARG☆S – Tydel the Purple Lightning”.
● Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can place this card in your Spell & Trap Zone face-up.
SUDA-JP072 ARG☆S – Hien no Capane (ARG☆S – Capane the Flying Swallow)
Continuous Trap
(1) Your Warrior monsters cannot be destroyed by battle.
(2) Once per turn, if there is a Continuous Trap in the Monster Zone: You can Special Summon this card as an Effect Monster (Warrior/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1800/DEF 1800) with the following effect (it is also still a Trap), then, if you have any banished “ARG☆S” monster(s), gain 500 LP.
● Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can place this card in your Spell & Trap Zone face-up.
Patrick Hoban is crying right now.
Miku goes to Greece!
Also she was designed with Invoker in mind.
TCG gets deck not at full power…
Miku still needs to be freed from Brazilian prison.
Another small self contained archetype centered around a mediocre gimmick.
go keep playing snake-eyes
I just want more legacy support for older archetypes that need it.
Lets have another round of Dark Magician support. The archetype really needs something more as it doesn’t have much.
Yeah they should release more legacy support instead of generic waifu archetypes
I really wanted to see more HEROes man. The bi-yearly 10 cards it receives just aren’t enough. Also, why do DM and RE not get a new deck like BE. … What? Another new anime character archetype? Man, they just don’t make ’em like they used to. Where is my support for a 25 years old vanilla monster that has 50+ cards already?
/s if not obvious.
Technically the negates effect of the field spell is not once per turn, so can prove valuable.
Stfu all of you, those sh*tty Hero, Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes decks receive support every f*cking year, you r*tards dont even play the game, just complain when they see something that isnt DM/GX era bait in a cardboard
This things great tbh. its a fun little thing that is unique and can do some devistating things if you are not a snake eyes huffing Moron. it needs brain power but it does give solid results with some of the other continous trap monster cards and the receinet support they had.
To go to the trouble of creating a name with etymological references and hidden references for this ARG☆Stars Deck, the Deck appears to be quite mediocre at first glance.
I really wanted a new Noble Knights archetype of WATER monsters called the Argonoble Knights with monsters based on Jason and the Argonauts with WATER Fusions since Infernobles focus on FIRE Synchro and the originals have their Xyz.
But just like with MAlice in Wonderland, its all just more waifus. Again.
this is unplayable

Really is the year of the trap monster. What’s next year? Year of the Gemini? JK Even Konami wouldn’t waste the cardboard.
just more silhouette rabbit support
People really aren’t remembering we have:
Magicolloidal Sol
Vulmina, Statue of the Sacred Dragon
Silhouelhatte Rabbit
And it being Warriot focused has Vision HERO interactions I see… *Sigh*
yes, but it is still on the weaker/gimmicky side.
i don’t think that using the traps as bodies to synchro summon does that much without any sort of recursion.
let’s see what the next wave of reveals shows, but so far it seems worse than Amazement
We need to wait for rest of the cards (if there are still any) but this is pretty neat, small engine for Warrior-centric and Trap Monster decks. And the artworks are pretty, too.
No more in the set, but 4 more traps are possible. Maybe an Xyz because it’s all 4s
@Samurex A Rank 4 that requires traps monsters would be both cool and terrible and I absolutely want it
You should probably rewrite the Continuous Traps, as it’s not going to be obvious to people that the continuous effects don’t apply while they’re monsters.
Not necessarily. This is actually the first time we’ve had Continuous Trap Monsters with Continuous Effects as Traps. Since they still are Traps while in the Monster Zone, we don’t know if the Continuous Effects still apply. Need to wait for rulings on that one.
We know for a fact they don’t apply, org just chose not to translate that way to specify.
They seem written just fine to me. It specifically states what effects it has as a monster.
Multiple people have asked whether or not the first effects apply while they’re monsters, so it’s evidently somewhat confusing.
How do the trap cards work? They are not hard once per turn and I doubt you can just special them then put them back as many times as they want. Are they treated as the same card when moving from one zone to the other?
That was my thought exactly! Because the “Capane” would be like: each time you resolve the self-summon (if you have a banished ARGoS) you gain 500 LP, then in a new chain you can activate the other effect right after, placing It face up in the S/T zone, and once It resolved, you’re able to re-start the loop.
They remember they’re the same card, unless you set and flip you don’t get to do it forever.
They are still a Trap while in the Monster Zone so they will remember that they used the effect to Summon themselves.
I’m pretty sure the monster effect will reset upon going back to the S/T Zone, but.. Ghostrick and Subterror effects to flip themselves down not being reset after flipping back up would make me think it’s possible that it somehow remembers.
Eldlitch waifus
looks just as generic as most waifu deck builder decks, except it’s a main set, booh, anyway, wake me up when they reveal the 4-card mega broken steelswarm support (that makes them almost rogue)
Every time I see cards like these, my mind goes straight to wondering if I can use them to make a Uria deck. I’ve tried with Eldlitch and the Apothis and Quardant stuff, but maybe this will work better since the monster places 2 continuous traps from deck.
It’s pretty ridiculous, there are so many cards that still need to be released, so many really cool things, instead of releasing this kind of rubbish, if they’re not going to bring anything original that’s worth it, it’s really better to support old archetypes (so angry with these drugs thing, why not something for Egyptian gods? support for level 10 monsters) I hope you don’t buy this nonsense from these idiots (it must be two people’s fault)
Or Wicked gods!
Let me fix that for you: “Why does Konami make new archetypes instead of forcing support for the dog(bleep) archetype I like?”.
@aZ bro you are everywhere, telling people to hate anime/waifu stuff. Are you aware that this card game is tied into an anime, that the main character used DM and DMG, which are very anime of the 2000s cards and that a lot of people for their target audience (Japan) really like these themes? Maybe it’s time for you to move to MTG or something else, because they won’t stop printing cards like this or rather even print more as time goes on.
HFIL This is just dissatisfaction, I mean, anything would be better. But if you like that kind of thing, you must be dying for new girls with stupid faces and silly themes.
@AZ it’s not my thing, but I understand that not every thing is for me. Plus, There are tons of archetypes (usually anime ones) that are oversupported and underperform. Different Strokes for different folks, but I’d rather have a new archetype than 10 new pieces of support for a DM (Dark Magician or Duel Monster, take your pick) that will do precisely less than nothing. Even still, while I might joke about certain archetypes getting over supported, but I don’t complain about it, because (again) it isn’t for me. Literally hundreds of archetypes to choose from. I’m sure you’ll manage.
HFIL you know well enough that the minimum THIRTEEN new decks Konami invents EVERY YEAR will just be forgotten about by them within 2-3 year years in the churn.
Cuz DM/GX era is over done trash. thats why. we got BEWD support that borderline breaks them and azzure queen is now actually a archtypew along others. also the deck is actually kinda fun to play with the other continoues trap card monsters and support they had gotten, though it sounds to me you are pretty much stuck in caveman era..
Oh great another all female waifu deck. Groundbreaking. I sure love that once third of all cards in the game are generic anime girls, sure doesn’t make it feel cheap
You know these cards have like…effects, right?
I just love the design <3
Yes, that’s what is replacing real monsters with characters that are also very annoying, their design is horrible.
U ar very annoying
im 90% certain all the things here complaing is just you changing your name around like some sad wokeist idiot.
This cringe @$$ waifu nonsense is getting unbearable now. Yu-Gi-Oh is suppose to be Traps, Spells, and mf MONSTERS.
Orga, But its true, i’m sad, you admit, we would be pleased if instead of this terrible news there was a new set of White Night Dragon-style ice dragons or Egyptian gods, or wicked gods, or pyramid of light, or whatever, something that could identify with your soul.
You’ll be okay.
Plenty of humans or little animals or appliances….do you complain about those? Betchu don’t…
HFIL no one complains about that. You know why? Because new ones aren’t introduced multiple times a year with such a frequency that a term like Waifu Tax would start to be used. They aren’t frequent enough to elicit genuine surprise when they DON’T show up in a set.
Rulings Question:
While Special Summoned as a monster, does the Continuous Effect of the Trap still apply? E.g. “Warrior monsters you control gain 500 ATK/DEF.”
No. The japanese text specifies that that they only apply in the spell and trap zone.
Thanks Regiruler, I figured that was the case but wasn’t 100% sure.
Since it’s “The Seven Against Thebes” inspired, I think it’s safe to say this deck will be supported enough to at least have 7 Monsters total (be it mix of effect or trap monster), even if it ain’t from this booster. I mean, it only makes sense, right? Got a decent enough base cooked up here, so I do hope they get more stuff…
Can we please stop calling everything female a waifu? It starts to feel very insane, IMO that word should be reserved only for folks top fave girl characters. Anyways unlike some of the questionably misogynists floating around the game, I enjoy girl cards especially if they are whimsical fun! …however I do wish the company would be more often creative with their concepts… seriously we need more monster looking girls like Lunalight, Icejade, Shaddoll Construct, and Saffira, Queen of Dragons as just few examples! xD
you’re right, as long as they’re women not those more contrived things, literally (even dark magician girl was very mature, making her design beautiful). I like it too, one of my favorite monsters is cyber angel vrash and the level 8 ruin ( very beautiful)
huh I meant “poorly developed, literally”
It’s gotten worse, now they are always called “loli” archetypes…even if there are no little girls.
Vocaloid stand user’s? Okay I’m down.
Not getting the Vocaloid part here, they are just futurístic sport players
I like how after Lab they are trying their best to bring Trap cards back to the spot.
You know. The card type that made YGO different from other TCGs
but not like this, this is something to throw away
@Az oh so like you?
All I see is another Dimension Shifter archetype
Ok but my question is: Do they still have their first effects when in the Main Monster Zone or is that exclusively in the backrow? It’s probably the latter but I still hope for clarification.
Archetype does seem intriguing tho!
*reads up* …Ok so they only apply in the S&T Zone. *facepalm*
Hidden us support
Does the field spell trigger in Centur-ion?
Thats… a good question.
Really the best they could do is Olympic sports with Japanese plane names? Can they start doing more creative things we never seen before?
Pray tell me, what are these so-called “more creative things”? Generic Dragon Deck #39175?
The Orishas from the Yoruba mythology.
Wdym? Thats pretty creative
I just realized the field spells negation is not Once Per turn…hm…that changes some things
Trap monster support… I’m in heaven
is the field spell negate an ignition effect or an effect modifier of the trap cards? Because this would be wildly different as an engine that can imperm anything 2-3x per turn
It looks like a trigger effect for when they use their effects to become traps again
I’m excited for this archetype.
Greek Myth and Japanese war planes, what a bizarre and fascinating combination… color me intrigued!
Also a noob question, but the Traps’ (1) effect is still active when they’re Monsters, right?
Nope, the japanese text has “while this card is on spell & trap zone”
Idk why NeoArkadia didn’t include that in the translation.