Decklists OCG Decklist OCG Weekly OCG Japan DecklistsBy NessMarch 2, 20200 While everyone stays at home, the Six Sams come out and play.
Decklists OCG Decklist OCG Weekly OCG Japan Decklists (02/11/2020)By NessFebruary 11, 20200 Only one tournament, better than the zero tournaments we had until yesterday.
Decklists OCG Decklist OCG Weekly OCG Japan Decklists (02/03/2020)By NessFebruary 3, 20200 Throw beans to push the Dragun away.
Decklists OCG Decklist OCG Weekly OCG Japan Decklists (01/27/2020)By NessJanuary 27, 20200 Generaiders, huh?
Decklists OCG Decklist OCG Weekly OCG Japan Decklists (01/20/2020)By NessJanuary 20, 20200 If Dragun wasn’t enough, now you also have Releaser.
Decklists OCG Decklist OCG Weekly OCG Japan Decklists (12/30/2019)By NessDecember 30, 20190 Entering the year of the Dragun.