Even the greatest superheroes have a support staff!
RD/5TH1-JP050 エクスキューティー・メイト Executie Mate [Executie Mates]
Level 4 LIGHT Fairy Effect Monster
ATK 1000
DEF 500
【REQUIREMENT】 Reveal a Level 6 monster with 500 DEF in your hand to your opponent.
【EFFECT】 This card’s Level is increased by 2, also, if you have not drawn during this Main Phase, you can draw 1 card, but for the rest of this turn, you cannot attack with Level 7 or higher monsters.
RD/5TH1-JP080 Executie Scramble! (Reprint)
first non-lvl 6 excutie
Yes! More Executie!
Without a doubt, the Excutie Monster that breaks the mold established by other Excutie’s cards (except for the Deck’s first cards before becoming its own Deck)
Ironically, due to its Level and Stats, this Monster fits well in an Excutie Deck with Jersey’s Engine (which was seen when Excutie was Meta)
What did Jersey’s engine look like?
In the Excutie lore, Lumiere is the heiress to a mega corporation who one day stumbled upon technology from outer space. Lumiere founds the Excuties, using this technology and her own wealth to create a superhero team for world peace. Lumiere sent her maids, Mates, to travel around the world and scout for candidates. This explains why Mates is LIGHT Fairy like Lumiere, and they’re Level 4 because they aren’t proper members of the organization but assigned to work for them.
Mates’s artwork is a reference to Excutie Scout!, where she uses a similar digital tablet to recruit Leir at a gym. There are 2 Mates as a reference to Excutie Emergency!. The requirement is reporting on their findings to Lumiere. The Level change effect is Mates being employed full time in the organization. The draw effect is Lumiere scouting a new Excutie! to her organization.
We won’t get rush duel. Speed duel has stopped making new sets. Give us a new yugioh card game like rush
Why would they make yet another game that’s similar to Rush when they can just straight up give us Rush?
less work to localize when both destined to fail