Ah yess, the hint that Dark Magician Support is coming tonight as Duelist Advance Cover Archetype.
Quentin on
Noooooo they need a structure deck
N on
But my Neos anniversary promotion across multiple games
The Prophet on
Quentin, you do know konami is going to bring out Zorc Necrophades in this year’s animation chronicle right? That means, Diabound, The Gods, and Dark Magician, are all going to get support. And knowing konami, they are going to join the gods and dark magician, just as they are going to join diabound and zorc into 1 deck. So I am willing to bet the cover archetype for Duelist advance is DM and the Gods, and 1 of the other anime decks that will get support in Duelist alliance is Diabound, to prepare for the arrival of Zorc.
DrakeShark32 on
@The Prophet It’s funny because it turns out the cover of Duelist Advance is not Dark Magician but Number F0
malefic BOI on
satan jumpscare
Yod on
I really wish red-eyes would get a second fusion card, one that isnt so much… lets say first kind with its effect kind of balanced
But one which still has a good lock only usable for red eyes, ofc… we absolutely DO NOT want this card to just be generically splashable negate…
The one on
Red-eyes fusion is just a follow-up nowadays unfortunately, to be searched by meteor turn 2
Weeevil on
Does this mean anything? I’ve heard a bunch of people speculate about Dark Magician stuff….
The Prophet on
Go watch the millennium world arc of dm (the last arc), and you’ll see some the dm decks getting support this year
Weeevil on
@TheProphet so it’s likely DM will get pack support and probably not a Structure deck?
Ah yess, the hint that Dark Magician Support is coming tonight as Duelist Advance Cover Archetype.
Noooooo they need a structure deck
But my Neos anniversary promotion across multiple games
Quentin, you do know konami is going to bring out Zorc Necrophades in this year’s animation chronicle right? That means, Diabound, The Gods, and Dark Magician, are all going to get support. And knowing konami, they are going to join the gods and dark magician, just as they are going to join diabound and zorc into 1 deck. So I am willing to bet the cover archetype for Duelist advance is DM and the Gods, and 1 of the other anime decks that will get support in Duelist alliance is Diabound, to prepare for the arrival of Zorc.
@The Prophet It’s funny because it turns out the cover of Duelist Advance is not Dark Magician but Number F0
satan jumpscare
I really wish red-eyes would get a second fusion card, one that isnt so much… lets say first kind with its effect kind of balanced
But one which still has a good lock only usable for red eyes, ofc… we absolutely DO NOT want this card to just be generically splashable negate…
Red-eyes fusion is just a follow-up nowadays unfortunately, to be searched by meteor turn 2
Does this mean anything? I’ve heard a bunch of people speculate about Dark Magician stuff….
Go watch the millennium world arc of dm (the last arc), and you’ll see some the dm decks getting support this year
@TheProphet so it’s likely DM will get pack support and probably not a Structure deck?