A Rokket/Dragon Link Deck using Azalea as tech.
Browsing: Konami Decklist
A Rush Duel Insect Deck with a few new tricks & Photon-Galaxy featuring “Photon Jumper”
An “Excutie” Deck that features “Abyss Soldier” for Rush & A “Flower Cardian” Deck with new tricks.
A new generation High Dragon Deck for Rush Duel and Orgoth the Relentless does Chess.
Galaxy for Rush Duels, Mayakashi with “Synchro Zone” and 5 Boxing Day Decks
What a meowonderful world.
Cyber Dragon + Worker Warriors for Rush Duel; Nekroz with Final Cross; 5 ‘Christmas’ themed Decks.
Some new toys for the kids in Rush Duels, while the Dragonmaids clean up the house for the holidays.
Updated Pyro Deck from Over Rush Pack & Amazement + Traptrix with a Crystal Beast Engine
Dinowrestlers go into a tag team with Vernusylph and a special guest, while Rush Duels have a new rag tag…