To celebrate 25 years of Dueling, each Tin includes double Prismatic Secret Rares and a bonus Quarter Century Secret Rare!
The cover photo for this article is a placeholder as none was provided. It does not reflect the actual product, information about the product or speculation regarding the product. They just didn’t give us pics so we used old tins lol.
EDIT: This disclaimer was apparently not enough and still caused confusion, so the article image has been changed.
Celebrate our 25th anniversary together with our 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes featuring doubled Prismatic Secret Rares and a bonus Quarter Century Secret Rare in every Tin! Prismatic Secret Rares are one of the things Duelists love most about each year’s Mega-Packs, since Tins are the ONLY place to find this exclusive and beautiful rarity type. And this year, we’re giving you twice as many in each Tin! Each 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes includes 3 x 18-card Mega-Packs, each with TWO Prismatic Secret Rares, two Ultra Rares, a Super Rare, a Rare, and twelve Commons. Total per Tin: 6 Prismatic Secret Rares 6 Ultra Rares 3 Super Rares 3 Rares 36 Commons (and 1 Quarter Century Secret Rare – see below! ) The massive Mega-Pack set contains almost 300 cards from recent sets, including Battle of Chaos, Dimension Force, Darkwing Blast, Tactical Masters, The Grand Creators, and more! In addition, each Tin will include a Quarter Century Secret Rare version of one of the sixteen monsters decorating the sides of the Tin – some of the most famous and iconic monsters used by the series’ Dueling Heroes!
Product Title: 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes
Product Type: Tins
Set Size: TBD
Official Tournament Store Launch Date: 09/06/23
Launch Date: 09/08/23
Konami Tournament Legal Date: 09/08/23
MSRP: $ 21.99 per Tin
1 Comment
Quando eu vi a imagem a primeira impressão que eu tive foi: “EBA! Teremos suportes novos para Vulcânicos” e depois eu li a matéria e analisei melhor a imagem e percebi que era apenas demonstrativo, hoje nem todo mundo abre a matéria para ler o que pode gerar erros de interpretação por parte das pessoas e muito por culpa nossa, mas eu valorizo o pessoal desse site por ter alterado a imagem para evitar possíveis erros de interpretação, que novamente repito, acontece por nossa culpa.
“When I saw the image the first impression I had was: “YEAH! We will have new supports for Vulcânicos” and then I read the article and analyzed the image better and realized that it was just demonstrative, today not everyone opens the article to read the that can lead to misinterpretation on the part of people and largely our fault, but I appreciate the people on this site for having changed the image to avoid possible misinterpretation, which again, I repeat, happens because of our fault. Google Translate.”