Let’s try this again somewhere else, okay?
ROTA-JP078 ヴァルモニカ・エレディターレ Vaalmonica Ereditare
Counter Trap Card
You can only use 1 of the (1)st and (2)nd effect of this card’s name per turn, and only once that turn.
(1) When a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated and you control a “Vaalmonica” Link Monster: Negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card.
(2) You can banish this card from your GY; shuffle “Vaalmonica” cards from your GY, banishment, and/or face-up Extra Deck into the Deck up to the number of Resonance Counters on your field, except “Vaalmonica Ereditare”, then you can draw 1 card for every 3 cards shuffled.
Note: Ereditare is Italian for “To inherit”
I did say I wanted a Vaal card, but another trap was not what I had in mind.
I wish they had protection for their pendulum scales instead but i guess this is fine. Though it’s weird that we have gotten VASM support fot 4 sets now yet only 1 one wave of Wild Survivors support… but hey hopefully we get good centurion support soon, I think they are getting a main deck monster due to the memento placement.
The fiend link monster protects all your cards from destruction by using up 3 of your counters…can protect them multiple times in a turn until you’re out of counters too.
huh… i never noticed that effect till now.
This might just be the new format going forward. Give 1/2 cards for 4 or more waves to help the Deck Build Packs because they always sell like garbage.
I’m just happy there’s now a way to recover banished Vaalmonica spells/traps. I do agree on the better protection, or maybe something that works like a bank, storing the resonance counters you would have otherwise lost.
It’s not what Vaalmonica needed, but in a vacuum it’s a good card. If the deck was just a bit more resilient and consistent then this card would be great.
It’s great actually. Recycling all your resources from grave along with banishment and extra deck fixes so many issues. No more having to run multiple in archetype links, no more running out of targets in deck for searches, also allows you bring back high value banished cards. AND we now have a searchable counter negation. Solid!!
@Bewbster I still think you run multiple Zebufera. Being able to abuse it’s soft once per turn s/t copy effect is still part of Vaal’s unique game plan.
I certainly agree on the other points, tho. We needed more interruptions, recycling, and draw power.
Also, this is a great send off of Beatrice while we still have her. We didn’t have any good in-archetype targets for her before that didn’t involve already having scales out already.
Erernal Vaal
Really starting to think Konami likes to print cards for the sake of printing cards
In the words of MBT: ” Have you heard of capitalism “
First effect is situational but the second one is really good.
We should get a Centur-Ion card soon.
Trying to figure out what they’re looking at in the puddle. Can’t be Selettrice unless she’s wearing a new outfit for some reason. Kinda reminds me of one of the Excutie cards.
An infernity Barrier that draws you cards.
Just a go second card, I guess…
This deck doesn’t not need more Spells/Traps. This deck needs more decent to great Main Deck monsters badly to even consider playing this theme purely.
*doesn’t need
La carta es bastante buena, sin embargo, Vaalmonica necesita algo más para poder ser un arquetipo competente. Un nuevo level 4 que ayude a la consistencia seria ideal
I don’t know what’s worse the fact that the deck really needed another monster or that they made this a COUNTER trap that can’t be used by Zabufera or the pendulums
They’re slowly becoming a good deck. Slowly.
Too bad it is only a going second card… Why more spell/trap, when the deck needs more options in main deck monsters?
In what world is an omni trap a going second card…
In pure builds
. In pure Vaal builds, this at best, a going second card. It’s like Salamangreat Jack Jaguar, good for the deck’s overall recovery, but not really necessary in pure builds.
Have you guys ever gone to Master Duel Meta? The comments (about this card, there is a similar article about this card in Master Duel Meta) there, are mixed at best. Some [MD players] said it is good [card for Vaal overall], while, others said it was meh at best. Mixed reviews at best.
Master Duel Meta made similar article about this [Vaalmonika trap] card. So, like I said, why Vaal gets new spell/traps, while they need more decent main deck monsters, to be playable in pure builds, as this card is best for pure Vaalmonika builds. Which is this card was meant to be used.
The first effect was situational. The second [effect] was very good, but do you really feel Vaal needs new spell/trap cards in pure builds? They really need more decent main deck monsters, to be useable in pure builds.
Won’t see people run more than 2 in most builds, since there is no need to run it at 3. As the first effect is situational. Just a decent going second card. Would you set this, if you going first?
@Petsinwinter Zebufera is a min at 2! While both of the the link -1s card effects can be used opt per copy and we can link summon twice on the opponent’s turn Zebufera is far more flexible creating disruption along with card advantage. That’s even with the Fiendsmith package allowing us to recycle the fiend link. With that though I usually will add in the Beatrice, blue tear, spell and single copy of DImensional Barrier.
After getting this counter trap with recursion plus a draw, the archetype needs no other draw effects. Can already use the draw and search spells 2-3 times on our turn plus have access to Number 60 along with Nexroquip.
Simply need a better link 1 that could be a Version of Selettrice that can be link summoned if you control to Vaal monsters in your pend zones. With the effect that we send a normal s/t to grave from deck to copy its effect. This way we have on our turn access to the in archetype trap monster return and return, plus s/t destruction, they need to push through going second against an established board. Bonus points if the link could bring itself back from grave if used for a link summon of another Vaal monster.
Oh my god stop with the valmonica cr4p already. Either print support that puts them on the map or don’t print at all.
There’s a ton of older achtypes that need support.
When is Simorgh gonna get something? They can’t do shjt now that their link 3 is banned. Give them a link 2 that put’s them on the map and it’s only exclusive for them so it doesn’t get abused.
Mist valley, harpies have nothie in their extra deck but release battle wasp support….. Wtf
Shinobirds and yosenju are all over the place
Everyone can say that if their favorite deck tho, I’m still waiting for a good heroic Challenger support, not I don’t see the point of going to other archetype card reveal to complain about that
Everyone can say that of their favorite deck tho, I’m still waiting for a good heroic Challenger support, but I don’t see the point of going to other archetype card reveal to complain about that
Did she destroy the world? There are ruins in her link 2.