Why did this drop 1 hour and 35 minutes early
SUDA-JP049 Hikarinaki Kage A=Bao A Qu | A-Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow
LINK-4 DARK Fiend/Link/Effect
2800 ATK | Arrows: Left, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right, Right
2+ monsters, including a Fiend monster
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card to activate 1 of these effects;
● Destroy 1 card on the field.
● Banish this card (until the End Phase), and if you do, Special Summon 1 LIGHT or DARK monster from your GY.
(2) During your Standby Phase: You can draw cards equal to the number of different Types among the monsters in your GY, then place the same number of cards from your hand on the bottom of the Deck in any order.
Huge thanks to Villa for proving us his translation as we were all offline at the time this card was posted. He also explains:
The “Á Bao A Qu” is a creature that lives dormant at the steps of the spiral staircase of the Tower of Victory, seeking to become whole atop the tower’s balcony at the end of the stairs, it follows travelers in their pilgrimage. Described in the book “Book of Imaginary Beings” (1957) authored by Jorge Luis Borges and Margarita Guerrero.
Why is this card so good?
This is an UR.
Because that is a Loli, that’s how Komoney works now…
Waifu Tax
Fitting for chaos
now I can summon my banished fallen of albaz
Wait a min, this card is good???
Powerful and surprisingly generic Link-4 that fares better in other Decks than the Deck it was made for, but still has interactions thanks to Trouble Sunny.
Imagine being so entitled to think every fiend card is live twin support
@pollo it is live twin support, they gave the other tri-deck archetypes (Cyber Dragon and Eldlich) support with the last two cards revealed
This card is advertised as Live Twin support. Another Link 4 to go into with the Evil Twins and supported by having the Live Twins all being a unique Type of each other.
What deck was it made for?
Really good card. Doesn’t really create much advantage, but it improves the quality of cards in your hand and on your field, while also being annoying to get rid of.
Hell, in Labrynth specifically it can make use of Furniture pieces in your hand, which is essentially free anyway. It’s really solid!
Could this work well with the new Fabledswarm Leverzebul?
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, during the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can Tribute any number of “Fabled” monsters, and if you do, take control of that many face-up monsters your opponent controls, but their effects are negated. If this card is in your GY: You can target 1 other “Fabled” card in your GY; return this card to the Extra Deck, and if you do, add that target to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Fabledswarm Leverzebul” once per turn. ”
Discaard to:
Banish it until Endphase to Special Summon Leverzebul then you can use its effect then during your turn …return it again. The card is just another way to bring him back.
Or to simply destroy a card.
Rank 4 is high …but since it basically protects itself each turn by removing itself from play…it seems really neat. Might be wrong on how useful it is but it remains to be seen.
The Fiendsmith rank 3 can also effectively return Leverzebul and is only Rank 3.
links don’t have ranks, they have link ratings
Cuz they accidently drop poster to spoil this card at Card Shop lmao.
No I mean it was early even on Twitter
A Baoa Qu was also Zeon fortress in original Mobile Suit Gundam.
Looking like Raye after going Goth
oh my god yes
Is this going to be a secret when it’s released for us?
100% Secret
Short Print Secret Rare costing over 100 dollars.
Looking like Raye after going Goth
oh my god yes
I could see this used in a lot of funny combos
They really just made Promethean Princess for Light/Dark as a goth loli with the name of a Zeon fortress.
this is how you make generic cards
Nope. Dont say that too fast. This card can become as powerfull as promethean princess overnight.
And in a few years they’ll ban it like they did with Borreload, Barrone and Apollousa.
Dark World + chaos support
Inb4 better end board.
Also filthy zeeks gtfo
Fabled and Fiendsmith support.
A Jorge Luis Borges reference!?!?!?
Rare argentina W
Make knightmare unicorn, summon this card, I think this is semi-generic-ish.
this is the card that will decide the one year war
The tower of victory stuff at the bottom gives me tower of god vibes.
When I saw this card, I thought for a moment that it was a Link Monster version of Guiding Quem, the Virtuous.
Random Gundam reference let’s gooooo.
Can I yeet her?
More for the fiend pile, I guess.
Link-4s seem to be about as bad as Link-1s, which should never be the case.
Mais um link pra meu Darkworld
Well, I don’t know which deck it falls on but I love the design
Good in Memento, and surprisingly, Voiceless Voice (if playing Melodious).
this is replacement for apolosa for quicky effect on generic link 4
Insane how this card just lets you build a custom hand at the end of your combo.
There is a hypothetical deck out there that can go through like, six different types– probably more– over the course of a combo (possibly even a one card combo) and then end on this to flood their hand with either the exact combination of hand traps they want (assuming they can find them and have enough cards in hand to replace, which isn’t that big of an ask) or with extenders to keep the combo going.
I will say whether the hypothetical deck that goes through a ton of different types in grave over a combo that leaves a decent amount of cards still in hand exists *now* is an interesting question, and the answer is probably no
Still, even just checking the top two or three cards in your deck to see if they’re better than any of the cards in your hand is probably a pretty good effect for such a generic link 4 to have, and it would probably still be bad if that was its only good effect.
I also now realize that I forgot that the effect I’ve been having about only happens in the standby phase so it’s probably not game determinative very often–but activating it’s second effect as extension on turn one means so long as your opponent doesn’t just kill you on their first turn, this card just immediately lets you make a custom hand.
I will say whether the hypothetical deck that goes through a ton of different types in grave over a combo that leaves a decent amount of cards still in hand exists *now* is an interesting question, and the answer is probably no
Still, even just checking the top two or three cards in your deck to see if they’re better than any of the cards in your hand is probably a pretty good effect for such a generic link 4 to have, and it would probably still be bad if that was its only good effect.
I also now realize that I forgot that the effect I’ve been having about only happens in the standby phase so it’s probably not game determinative very often–but activating it’s second effect as extension on turn one means so long as your opponent doesn’t just kill you on their first turn, this card just immediately lets you make a custom hand.
Not as good as it was in my head when I accidentally mentally deleted the part about it activating in the standby phase, but still pretty good.
Whoops accidentally posted the same thing twice with more context the second time because I did not realize it went through…