A bit very religious this set aren’t we?
ALIN-JP078 列王詩篇 Retsu-Oh Shihen (The Psalms of Kings)
Normal Trap Card
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn. If you have no monsters in your GY, you can activate this card from your hand.
(1) When your opponent activates a monster effect on the field: You cannot activate monster effects in the hand, GY, and banishment until the end of the next turn after this card activated from the hand resolves, also negate that effect, then, if you have a Trap in your GY, you can add 1 “Dominus” card from your Deck to your hand.
Note: This card’s name very honestly seems to be a reference to the Japanese versions of “The Book of Kings” (列王記) and “The Book of Psalms” (詩篇) from the Bible.
A hand trap that searches hand traps, yay
Basically useless as an hand trap outside of stun and even then they’d probably not bother.
dies to ash
they can’t power creep ash, ash is the pinnacle of heathy hand traps
that implies that handtraps are healthy, which is not true based on how ygo devolver into handtrap Wars after its release
Ash is everything but healthy xD
It is missing the balance part
Its only “balance” is that it does not work on all cards, but only some… which is not a good balance if every deck runs those kids of cards anyways
However this card and the other dominus cards have some kind of harsh restriction
“Oh you want to use this card from the hand? Well then you cant use monsters effectively”
It either forces the user into playing a different strategy temporarily, or build a completely different kind of deck… which is fair for a card with close to no counterplay which can come from the hand without needing to be put on the field in some way
This is so strong, with Impulse it’s 2 negates and a pop out of 1 card.
Feels like Kurikara or Ultimate Slayer, a very strong card that needs a very specific situation to be used and might never see play. Except this time it doesn’t depend on the meta to use it against, but on the deck that can use it.
Its not really out of one card, you need a trap in grave already to add a dominus card so its more like if you have a dominus trap and this its like 3 negates and a pop
Translation is wrong I think. This translation seems to imply the restriction is part of the effect but it should be a condition like the rest of the dominus cards. It doesn’t have the also part included.
Second this, looks more like the dominus wording than something like dogmatika for example
The restriction is part of the effect. It is also part of the effect of the other Dominus cards too. If their effect (or activation) is negated, it doesn’t apply.
Trap Monster decks can abuse the hell out of it, I suppose? Not that they are mega viable but if’s easy to have monster-less GY when you play only few (or none, lmao) actual monsters.
Also Runicks.
Dominus Josuha Sichimit
Not really even Trap Monster unless you playing trap monster that SS themselves as Divine.
Trap monsters only work kinda for this
Trap monsters which are normal wont have a problem with this effect at all, but many trap monsters count as effect monsters… while those wont have problems with this card speciffically, the searched dominus cards have the effect of locking your deck out of certain monster attributes, which still affects your trap monsters if their effects count as monster effects and not lingering effects (or effects triggered by the trap itself)
And the runick synnergy part of this card is only halve true
While you wont have any monster effects in hand, the monsters will enter the gy eventually, and cant activate their effects there, also once again the other dominus cards lock you out of the attributes and turn your monsters vanilla
we are chilling all the way back to the lair of darkness with this one shaaat
Lair needs some hand effects, like Ahrima and Diabolos.
I see some suggestions by people, I’m like bruh yeah you can play that, I’m not gonna stop you
So Another Regenesis Theme Support Hand Trap! Great! Now the Morganite Synergy will be much better within them!
Fantastic for Phantasm Spiral. The deck can essentially now work with just a normal monster with some of the Primite cards and the majority traps anyway.
Paleozoic and other Trap heavy Decks will appreciate this card. The restriction only applies if activated from the hand, so this can be set directly from Deck via Back Jack or Lab, or reset from GY by the Laments.
I wonder if this is going to be another lore starter
it kinda feels that way
obvious secret rare is obvious
Ah yes, another addition to my rando GenKen Morganite control deck xD
Negate should only work on monsters with walls of text. Leave Ice Master alone!
i feel like dominus is gonna be the next lore theme now that sinful spoils is over
You can still use inherent summons after activating this, right? Thinking about actually powerful decks that can use this, and Spright kinda counts? Since the Sprights summoning themselves isn’t an activated effect, you could semi-plausibly run this and search Impulse, although you would have to give up on monster-based handtraps.
Im probably hallucinating, but wouldnt madolche and glad beasts work wonders witht his card? (as long as you dont use the other dominus cards ofc)?
madolches dont really have effects outside of field effects, and their whole gimmik is that they vacate the gy
and glads also almost only have on field effects, and have that one new fusion monster which can use monster in the gy
I really hope dominus is like sinful spoils where we got seemingly standalone cards that turns into an archetype.
I really hope dominus is like sinful spoils where we got seemingly standalone cards that turns into an archetype.
This card as a bit too harsh restriction for a effect which doesnt work against most handtraps
However if Konami decides to make a full spell/trap only archetype, which either has no monsters, or only spell/trap/token monsters which count as normal monsters (but still get their effects the same way other tokens or some spell/trap monsters do), then this card would be perfect in there
They already were getting somewhat close with Paleozoic and Runick, but both time they were extra deck archetypes in disguise