I will now eat this weird apple, surely nothing bad will happen (clueless)
ROTA-JP056 Shiroki Mori no Akuma / The Fiend of the White Woods
Quick-Play Spell
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) Tribute 1 Synchro Monster, then target 1 face-up card on the field; negate its effects (until the end of this turn), then, if you Tributed a “White Woods” Synchro Monster at activation, you can Special Summon 1 Illusion monster from your GY.
(2) If this card is sent to the GY to activate a monster effect: You can Set this card.
Awesome card, pretty good going 1st as additionol stuff to end on,also should be good for going second, especially since you resummon the body. You can use it on the book synchro to trigger it 2ce. Also,you can use this to summon diabelze,that’s fun
I think it’s quite a poor card actually. White woods doesn’t make its synchro before it gets off the ground. Just an additional endboard piece, or card to send for the 1.5 card combos. The endboard I don’t believe is the issue with white woods, it’s getting off the ground. So this card is not really the best support.
Oh boy another lore focused card. This and the WF Spoil are representing Asteria and Risette inheriting Diabell’s power. But it is disappointing that there’s not a better in house Illusion to revive.
True, and for the most part I like that it provides a bit more background into the lore, rather than the effect itself. On the other hand, this would be useful for any non-archetype Illusion powerhouses you may want, like Vouiburial, Golgoil, or one of the two Nightmares.
Now all we need is either a Synchro version of Ready/Instant Fusion and/or a continuous Spell/Trap that allows you to also discard monsters for a White Woods monster effect. (maybe the artwork could show Rcia and Silve being turned into their Synchro-selves by Diabell? or Rciela and Silvera being turned into their Spell/Trap forms?)
The deck only owns ONE illusion monster whose effects are hard once per turn. Also, to summon diabelze with this card she needs to be in the GY in the first place… which is unpractical. Art is gorgeous but it does nothing for the deck sadly. What the deck badly needs is a sinful spoils spell that summons a white woods monster from the deck, hopefully we’ll get it eventually
^ person who has not practiced with the deck
Except not really, you should be ending your turn with diabetes anyways. So you can tribute her away for the negate then get her right back. In that sense it is a free negate. Then synchro diabell away for Choas goddess. Plus this deck is spell hungry so a spell is always welcome
Deck has a searchable Omni negate, very good card. Wouldn’t be more than a 1 of but still really good.
Hopefully they get another Illusion synchro. Diabell is the only one that triggers on synchro summon.
But considering that this looks like a Quick-Play version of ”Sinful spoils – Silvera” I’m not holding my breath for another Illusion synchro.
Obviously the intended card to use with this is Diabellze The Original Sinkeeper, which also has synergy with second effect of all White Woods Quick-Play Spells.
This is just wrong.
I wouldn’t say the trade-off is bad (although I personally expected the effect to be permanently negated) but the truth is that there are already several alternatives to negate effects and synchro monsters have more value as food for more synchro summons
Great for synchro strategy I guess. The card is not terrible, but certainly not great either. The effects are okay-ish. Would have been better, if it was not so restrictive, on what type of ED monsters to use as fodder, to revive the “White Woods” synchro monsters from the GY.
The first one is strict you to only tributing “White Woods” synchro monsters and only “White Woods” synchro monsters, to revive it from your GY, should it was destroyed by card effect or battle, (there is no restriction on wether it is the bigger or the smaller “White Woods” monsters to be used to revive the on your GY, but most of the time is the smaller ones to be used to revive the bigger ones), which is means, only synchro is your main strategy.
The second one is a bit better, not by much. If it was destroyed, by a monster effect, (for example, if it was destroyed by a monster who has a card destruction effects, like Knightmare Phoenyx, while you have this card already set in your spell/trap zone, it recycled back, and reset back to your spell/trap zone), which is probadly a good reason, to not run it at 3, (but, if you are a duelist like me, I would run it at 3 anyway).
Good support if you are into Illusion monsters, if you are not, (like me for instance, you can skip it). Good future support, would be interesting to see what Illusion decks would look like, once they get most of their cards printed. Probadly will be playable, once they got most of their cards out.
Konami loves releasing mediocre single cards for everything in this set.
Ragnaraika, Tenpai, and now White Woods, which is especially tragic for the latter as it only got a single wave of support up until now and only has one card in this set as far as we know.
Talking like this card is not related to lore. Sure, mediocre.
Lore > Tier 0 bs