Meaning we should be seeing Sauravis sooner rather than later?
LEDE-JP034 Shukuseinaru Ryuushin Saffira (Saffira, the Silenforcing Deity of Dragons)
LIGHT Dragon / Ritual / Effect
LV7 2550/2450
You can Ritual Summon this card with “Silenforcing Blessing”.
You can only use the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If this card is Ritual Summoned and you have “Novox the Silenforcer Disciple” on your field or GY: You can draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card.
(2) When an attack is declared involving your LIGHT Warrior or Dragon Ritual Monster: You can discard 1 random card from your opponent’s hand.
(3) Once per turn, during your opponent’s End Phase: You can add 1 LIGHT monster from your GY to your hand.
LEDE-JP062 Shukuseinaru Shukufuku (Silenforcing Blessing)
Continuous Spell Card
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) You can target 1 of your “Silenforc” cards that is banished or in your GY, except “Silenforcing Blessing”; add it to your hand.
(2) If a non-Ritual Monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned face-up: You can Ritual Summon 1 LIGHT Warrior or Dragon Ritual monster from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand and/or field whose total Levels equal or exceed that monster’s Level, and if you do, it cannot be destroyed by battle.
I think y’all were better off just biting the bullet and using the datamined name already to get the bitching out of the way.
Anyways the cards are a bit disappointing after the high card quality of the first wave.
What was the name?
Yeah New Saffira is weird, but the spell is good as you can now recycle the trap after being used as disruption.
you are 3 feet and 2 inches tall. I will find you, put you in a box, and mail you to abu dhabi
They could have supported the trap by giving this card a protection from effect destruction buff across your cards: the main spell is weak to ogre already so something like that would be heavily appreciated.
This is sure the age of older rituals: Hungry Burger, Skull Guardian and now Saffira.
Yes, doesn’t seem too much meta this deck. I think miss something
When is Zera the Mant gonna get a archtype or retrained? He was always one of my favorite Rituals. Espically after seeing him in the Yugi vs Bandit Keith duel.
Ok Konami, now cyber angels !!!!
Forget that what about Archfiend Matador ?
I’d like very old rituals like Lycan, Performance of Sword, or Garma Sword retrain, maybe add one of the warrior rituals to Silenforce?
Exactly what the deck needed, a new ritual that I’m not even sure would be worth it if you could get it of of preprep and a continuous spell that might even be a one of for Bystials
I like the new face lift of the website, as always thanks to NeoArkadia and Co for brining the latest news to us.
I hope with this it is significantly easier to post now
i like rituals and even i wont use this… having high level cards all the time on the hand and your only out is a normal summon that can get ashed…. nice site look by the way
you act like that’s the deck’s only play
if it was then it wouldn’t be topping with the other meta decks in the current format
you dont even need to rely on normal summoning…like,at all…i asume your referring to Novox?
her effect cant get ashed because it activates a card from the deck and doesnt add to the hand or speciel summon from deck.
you dont even need novox on the field to use her you can tribute her from hand for the ENTIRE tribute,then auto summon her from grave…..this entire deck is built to where bricking is fairly difficult…you dont even need to start with a ritual spell in hand,ditching non-ritual saffira will get you the monster you want AND is a stand in for any spell card you would need…and this new continues spell can just grab her right back so you can do it AGAIN.
this archtype really covered all its basis for something thats just a bunch of high leveled monsters and a couple spells and traps, the synergy ease of creating a good bord and recycle abiltiy is insane.