Some cards you’ve heard about and SPACE ALIEN PIRATE GIRL.
As with recent sets, various content creators will be revealing the contents of the upcoming TCG set, Photon Hypernova:
The first day of reveals starts tomorrow, with the Kashtira cards.
On Wednesday, you can discover cards from various themes like Labrynth, Dogmatika, Plunder Patroll and Generaider.
On Thursday, you can learn about the new TCG Premiere theme: Gold Pride.
As announced previously, by participating in the Photon Hypernova Premiere Event, you can obtain an Ultra Rare copy of Gold Pride – Leon
And finally, on Friday, content creators will be opening card packs to show the remaining cards.
As a bonus, the #100 card of the secret, the usual Starlight Rare reprint, is confirmed to be Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon