Partner in crime
ROTA-JP027 Lマジマージ Lil’ Maji Mage
Level 2 DARK Cyberse Effect Monster
DEF 1200
You can only use the (1)st effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) During the Main Phase, if this card is in your hand (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 Cyberse monster or Link Monster; Special Summon this card.
(2) Gains ATK equal to the total Link Ratings of all Link Monsters in your GY x 400.
Note: The name is a play on Majimaji (slang for ‘seriously’), Merge and Mage.
New face in Twin City, maybe.
Another decent link-focused cards maybe… Too bad Rush Duels yet to add link summoning yet, unlike Duel Links or MD, but eventually they will [bring it to RD], since it will bring in more players to play Rush Duels, MD and DL, I guess. That’s komoney in a nutshell lol
We don’t need links in rush
Rush Duel doesn’t want or need links. Why would you think so? You only seem to be talking most of the time about the game on the basis of DL and MD so I don’t think you know enough about the actual card game to judge if this one random card would something rush duel would want.
It’s Komoney, they will add links to Rush Duels, I know this well lol. If Duel Links and MD add Links, why not Rush? Komoney will do it, if it will milk players’ wallets lol. Not that wild prediction lol
As a DL-MD player, (taking a hiatus lol. Vacation lol). Why not? They will add links and more links eventually. To draw in new players. Obvious strategy of Komoney lol
im sorry what are you talking about? we wantin Link summoning in Rush Duels now? They dont even have Synchro Summoning, so slow down there for a few years partner.
Not gonna lie, but I would not be surprised cyberse focused decks run this at least 2, not too difficult to special summon her. Just tribute any cyberse link or nonlink. Just a budget Kurikara lol, albeit she focused on cyberse and cyberse only. No problem, for decode and salamangreat players, who focused mostly cyberse monsters anyway.
What would give you the slightest indication that this would be in RD or that Links would be in rush in general
I think this person is talking about Speed Duel
Toothpaste-chan is a ygo card?? Foreshadowing the revival of the cipher tcg!?
I didn’t know that they had already put FE Engage’s Alear in the game.
Yup! Exceed the Pendulum came out last year
Komoney will milk your wallets again with this card alone lmao
That’s exactly what they do for yrs lol. Making you guys spend more and more money on new mediocre cards lol. Like, why Heroes, Gladiator Beast, Blue Eyes, etc got most of their cards expensive? To milk your wallets
, out of nostalgia lol (no pun intended). I mean… Gladiator Beast are expensive, but they are garbage in ladder. Even in DL, where the deck size are smaller 20-30. Heroes are also garbage, even in speed duels. Enough explaining?
Gladiator beasts are expensive? you living in 2008 or something?
my homie, what did ANY of that have to do with this random Cyberse pack filler card?
What’s up with the defensive attitude of the Rush players against the links
I don’t know, I felt like it’s inevitable. These people are funny lol. Links is fun, Salamangreats, Solfas, Decodes are focused on links, barely use xyz, if ever.
Eventually Rush Duels will add Links, they are meant to keep xyz in check. They are fun to play lol. I don’t know why these people are so defensive against links, I mean… Harpies, Aromas have link cards, Sun Avalon also link focused.
Links kept xyz from getting abused tbh. Even most decks, like Lightsworn engine ones use links. Even Photons use links these days.
How did THIS post of all things start another stupid Rush/Master flame war?
Both of you guys are being real dumb now. Just let both formats be their own thing with their own cards and maybe focus on the one you actually LIKE for once (or maybe like both, if that’s a concept you can somehow comprehend).
The main game players are one you brought it up in a tcg/ocg news
The idiot who thinks Links are coming to Rush Duels also thinks they exist to keep XYZ in check when their actual purpose was 100% to limit Pendulums.
This is YGO, so… YGO without links is like no YGO at all. Maybe these Rush players are anime fans…
Rush players that actually plays the game not someone who thinks they know about the game
Twin Spright definitely loves another level 2 to get the party started! I like the card, so probably gonna experiment with it. Could be decent target dodge with the quick effect!
Dodge Imperm in Cyberse like how Live Twin used Mystic Wok, but you get to maintain some field advantage.
kaiser glider – golden burst : am i a joke to you .. actually don’t answer that
This is yet another blatant Tactical Try Deck support but I feel it missed the mark by not being a fiend monster to properly play with the potential fiendlock in Twins
True, but Cyberse is the Type most focused on Link Summoning as its gimmick so it has more utility in that way.
Salamangreat has a few xyzs as their gimmicks, funny enough. Not just links, although they probadly needs some more supports in their main and extra deck, as they look abit unplayable without more diverse extra deck monsters, as they are mostly links. Even synchro forms of the existing ones are fine for me.
I mean… Their main deck monsters are fine, but needs some more non broken supports, preferably those that can be SS from the hand, by either discarding one card on the hand, or banishing one in the GY. Probadly one of the better decks, not played by the main character in YGO anime.
Use with Zaborg the Mega Monarch to give it 18400 ATK!
Any link players, especially plays Decode or Salamangreat will run this at 2 at most. Easy to get her on the field, without burning normal summon, practically a cheat way, to get cards like Knightmare phoenyx or Salamangreat link monsters when going first.
Great turn 1 card for cyberse decks lol. MD players will use, certainly. No need further explanations. Try it yourself!
Alchemy Beasts when?