But not where they’re stored, natch.
Diskarma Ritual
Ritual Spell Card
[EFFECT] Ritual Summon “Transam Diskarma Linac” by sending face-up monsters on your field to the GY whose combined levels total 11 or more. (You cannot use more monsters than necessary to Ritual Summon)
Yudias explains you send face-up monsters from the field to the GY as material whose Levels total or exceed that of the monster you’re trying to Ritual Summon.
In this case: 6 + 4 + 1
Transam Diskarma Linac
Level 11 LIGHT Galaxy Ritual Effect Monster
ATK 3000
DEF 1600
[REQUIREMENT] During the turn this card was Ritual Summoned, send the top card of the Deck to the GY.
[EFFECT] All face-up monsters on your opponent’s field lose 1000 ATK x [The number of monsters used as material to Ritual Summon this card]. For the rest of this turn, this card can make attacks on monsters up to [The number of monsters used as materials to Ritual Summon this card].
Worth noting: The Official Anime Twitter Account cites that the sending is meant to be aesthetically ‘Tributing’.
However, it is not stated where a Ritual Monster goes but it does not appear to need to be in the hand.
Well, one thing is for sure: Ritual Monsters won’t be a Brick if they end up being in the Main Deck (although the two Episodes where Ritual Monsters were shown hint that they come from the Extra Deck)
In any case, the information from The Official Anime Twitter Account would imply that Ritual Summon is a kind of Tribute Summon.
Therefore, if it ends up being in the Extra Deck, Ritual Monsters is the counterpart of Fusion Monsters: Fusion for Special Summon and Ritual for Tribute Summon.
Now I’m curious, seeing what happened at the end of Episode 139 and having already read the Episode 140’s Summary, I wonder if we’ll see Ritual Monsters used by Characters other than the Main Cast.
In fact, I don’t rule out GO RUSH’s Final Boss using Ritual Monsters as its Main Gimmick.
Rituals are not nor are they ever a Tribute Summon. In this case, it is merely because Tributing outside of a Tribute Summon or Tribute Set does not exist as a mechanic in Rush.
The “send from the field to the GY” exists on so many legacy cards imported to Rush that Tribute in the main format. Cannon Soldier, Hydra Vipef, Golden Flying Fish, Kaibaman, Tribute Doll, Icarus Attack, and Fish Depth Charge to name a few.
Even Launcher Catapult Turtle, Black Soldier Jersey Ritual and Coevolutionary Miracle, Rush original cards based on legacy cards that Tribute in the main format, send from field to GY.
99% is from extra
100% no come in hand(because yudias in duel no have other cards in hand except by spell)
I wonder why Fusion and Ritual based cards do not list the location you actually summon the monsters from. I get these monsters only exist in a certain area by default but why not fully explain it, especially for the children intended to actually play the game.
What makes it weirder is that they do put in the text what only existed as a guide ruling in Master Duel, the fact you can’t “Tribute” past the minimum Level (IE if you Ritual Summon Lv 8 with 2 Lv 4s and a Level 5, you can only tribute the 2 monsters whose levels would equal or exceed 8, you can’t “Tribute” all 3). So I don’t see why they have this oversight.
Cards have limited real estate to explain their rules. For brevity’s sake, basic rules are best assumed known to make the most use of the card. Like basic lands in MTG having zero rules text, for instance.
Japanese kids (and everyone else) can refer to the official rules here: https://www.konami.com/yugioh/rushduel/howto/
It’s a mandatory resource to familiarize with to understand rules corner cases and specific card rulings anyway.
so im confused about the ruling on this. it says “you can’t tribute more monsters than necessary” so i want to propose a question:
i want to ritual summon Diskarma Rainac but the monsters on my field are 8+2+4
theoretically im supposed to tribute the 8 and 4 since they make 12, but could i not just select the 8, then the 2, and then use the 4 to cover the 1/11 im missing? thus sidestepping the limitation?
Basically once you fulfill the level minimum, you cannot tribute anything more. Basically, you can do either tribute formation you proposed, but you can’t (say) tribute 3 Level 4s to fulfill the condition of a Level 8 since just tributing 2 of the Level 4s fulfills the minimum.
I am pretty certain it is a version if the knapsack problem where you have to minimize the number of tributes that meet or exceed the ritual monster level.
So if the ritual monster level is 11 and you have a 8, 4, and 2, you /cannot/ choose all three 8, 4, and 2 because 11 is already fulfilled by a minimum combination of 8 and 4.
thank you for the replies, This does seem to answer my concern that this seems a little clunky.
I really thought they would clean up this mechanic the way they did Contact Fusions. I get wanting it to be good out the game and exact levels might limit deck accessibility, but exceeding tributes just seems to complicate things.
also them making a new spell type but still not making “Fusion” its own spell type. also also them bring back “tributing” instead of maintaining sending as the defacto non-destruction field clear.
It mainly exists so you can Summon Rits even if you don’t have exact levels. It suck if you have 2 level 5s but can’t summon Magician of Black Chaos since you are over the level 8 required (if they used “exact levels”). Also seems like a waste to use 3 monsters when just 2 fulfill the requirements anyways…
Basically, first you make a “proposal” of what you want to use as material, for example you propose to use 8+2+4. Then from the proposal, you check if the requirement would still be fulfilled if you leave out any single monster in your proposal. If you leave out 8, 2+4=6 doesn’t fulfill the requirement. If you leave out 4, 8+2=10 also doesn’t fulfill the requirement. But if you leave out 2, 8+4=12 still fulfill the requirement. Therefore the proposal is invalid. The only valid proposal is 8+4.
Will ritual card from anime print in Structure Deck: Black Magic Ritual, Mega Road 03 or Premium Pack?
In theory, they should say some information about Ritual Monsters in Rush Duels later in Jump Festa.
However, if they don’t say anything, it makes it clear that Transamu Ritual Monster won’t be coming until June or July 2025 (maybe in a Megaroad Pack 3 or a dedicated Ritual Monster Pack)
However, Structure Deck: Black Magic Ritual (late April 2025) would introduce the first Ritual Monsters in Rush Duels.
Maybe They just bring back Elgyem & Beheeyem in Pokemon ZA to print Transam Diskarma Linac.
If so what about synchro xyz and link summons?
Given how complicated they make Master Duels for younger players, I wouldn’t expect them in Rush Duels.
Also don’t want Rush Duels to just be a “copy” of Master Duels, but different rulings.
it’s kind of a domino effect thing.
If rituals are an Extra deck mechanic now, they essentially fill the role of synchros.
without synchros not really a reason to add XYZs and we were never getting pendulums or links.
safe to assume that like speed duels, they didn’t want to go past what DM introduced unless its a rush original mechanic.
Synchros and Links have their own difficulties.
Synchros can cause a summon slippery slope with the infinite normal summon mechanic. There is nothing stopping you from going to a Level 4 Synchro to a Level 8 Synchro to a Level 10 synchro if you have the necessary monsters in your hand or resource gathering materials on the field. This could lead to a level of effect spam that Rush is not designed to handle.
Links have the same problem since they do not have any limiting metric by nature (no need for a specific monsters, a specific spell, specific class of monsters or set of monsters that share a level). It will also change the field which I don’t think they want to do.
Diskarma Ritual has some beautiful artwork
They can make Synchro Summoning the “Contact Fusion” to Ritual’s “Fusion Summoning.” Basically, the Tuner is the Ritual card and is required to in the summoning aka like they are in Master Duel
To be fair, Tributing by card effect does not exist in Rush. Legacy cards that mention Tributing such as Cannon Soldier send to the GY.
Rituals most likely are an Extra Deck mechanic – only because summoning from the Deck also does not exist in Rush and it certainly isn’t in the hand as Yudias had nothing there.