So you want to know what’s up with the Icejade? Here’s a bit of info.

From Left To Right, Top to Bottom:
- Hisui no Acty (Acty of the Icejade) Design Koori Koomori (Icebat)
- A primordial-like pattern appears Icejade energy
- Dense <——> Thick
- Has a solid coolant-like property
- [circle pointing] Icejade used by the Xiangjian
- here ->
- Icejade kudzu accessory
- When the black parts completely cover their humanoid-forms, they return to the Icejade
- Doesn’t pop because it’s frozen | V
- It’s kind of like their bodily fluid ->
- Bubble blowing straws given by the Xiangjian as a toy is very popular right now amongst them
- Zoom-Up
- <- Acty
- Cross-Section View
- Snow
- | V
- To the icejade lake
Thanks to Eva for the Translation