With some savory reprints.
SD47-JP003 Neo Kaiser Sea Horse
Level 4 LIGHT Dragon Tuner Effect Monster
ATK 1700 DEF 1650
You can only use the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If you control “Blue-Eyes White Dragon”: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.
(2) You can target 1 LIGHT Tuner you control; increase or decrease its Level by 1.
(3) If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can send 1 “Blue-Eyes” monster or 1 monster that mentions “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” from your Deck to the GY, except “Neo Kaiser Sea Horse”.
SD47-JP027 Shiroki Ryuu no Ikou / Majesty with Dragons of White
Normal Trap
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) Show up to 3 “Blue-Eyes White Dragon(s)” from your hand, face-up field, and/or GY, then destroy that many cards your opponent controls.
(2) You can banish this card from your GY; Ritual Summon 1 Ritual Monster from your hand, by Tributing “Blue-Eyes White Dragon(s)” from your hand or field whose total Levels exactly equal the Level of that Ritual Monster.
SD47-JP034 Aokime no Seirei / Spirit with Eyes of Blue
LIGHT Dragon / Link / Effect
Link-1 300 / BL
1 Level 4 or lower Dragon or Spellcaster monster
You can only use the 1st and 3rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can take 1 “Mausoleum of White” from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or send it to the GY.
(2) You cannot Special Summon, except Dragon monsters.
(3) You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 “Blue-Eyes” monster from your hand or GY, but if you Special Summon an Effect Monster from the GY, it cannot attack, also its effects are negated.
SD47-JP014 Nibiru, the Primal Being
SD47-JP015 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
SD47-JP016 Maxx “C”
SD47-JP017 Effect Veiler x2
SD47-JP025 Trade-In x2
SD47-JP026 Called by the Grave
SD47-JP031 Infinite Impermanence
SD47-JP041 Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres
Not as good as the first 4 but the Link 1 seems nice
Great reprints
where is the last card? we are still missing 1 last card.
Next month
I just count all the new cards plus reprints, the main deck is now exactly 40 cards, so the last card has to be an extra deck monster, we have 9 extra deck monsters so far, so there should be 10th extra deck monster that’s going to be new.
If it’s an extra deck monster I would love a retrained version of Ultimate that references the second duel of Yugi vs Kaiba when it’s decaying because of Mammoth Graveyard.
I’m betting the last card will finally be an in archetype rank 8 for Blue-eyes.
the link 1 that
Searches the field spell
Final card be like either a fusion of 5 “Blue-Eyes” monsters or a fusion of “Blue-Eyes” monster and Obelisk
I think it might be a link 3 blue-eyes, maybe they will call it Blue-Eyes Ultimate Link Dragon,
a fusion with obelisk would be something
A Fusion of Obelisk and 2 Blue Eyes would be sick if they give it Obelisks actual anime effects. (2 Monsters Tributed for Soul Energy Max + Obelisk as materials would make sense)
I doubt it’s gonna be a fusion of 5 “blue-eyes” monsters, because the ultimate blue-eyes fusion is really just magia, blue-eyes is always 3 “blue-eyes” maximum, with a rider like dark magician of chaos or black luster soldier, can’t be 5 “blue-eyes” monsters, also can’t be a fusion of blue-eyes and obelisk, because the structure deck doesn’t have obelisk.
Sadly it probably won’t be a fusion of obelisk since obelisk isn’t even in the deck
More likely be a Link-3 Blue-Eyes monster to emphasize the anime nostalgia ofc but also the design Konami intends to take in the structure deck. Either that or a Rank 8 Blue-Eyes that requires exactly 3 Level 8 monsters.
If would be cool if we got a new Dark Clown
monster that could search any Virus
card or that one La Jin Genie Fusion monster used in Arc V.
I’m so sorry for the OCG, Maxx C ain’t never getting banned
Maxx C is not a problem
Maxx C is trash but we know it won’t get hit so nothing we can do
I love them actually please make more of them <3
A Blue-Eyes XYZ monster or a new Blue-Eyes White Dragon effect monster
The final card is a main deck monster. We haven’t gotten SD47-JP001 yet, most likely a new blue eyes white dragon main deck monster.
SD47-JP001 is vanilla Blue-Eyes, the one that’s missing is 033, which is an extra deck slot
Link 1 can help link climb into Heavenly Sphere, that’s pretty neat. I don’t really see the application for the field spell though.
Targets Maiden, dumps Blue-Eyes, gives another normal summon for Sage/Sea Horse
Field spell mill Vanilla BEWD, summon it by using Link-1’s 3rd effect
Can’t extra normal the neo seahorse as it only grants to one level one light tuner
A card that helps summoning Magia and properly synchro summon Ultimate Spirit? Crimson Dragon too? Yes
Hoped we get a card or two that helps protecting the backrow though, and the last card is most likely going to be an ED monster
What card helps properly summoning the new syncro?
to ToddG: Neo Kaiser Sea Horse can reduce its level by 1, making it level 3, so you use it plus any level 1 tuner and a “Blue-Eyes” monster to properly summon Spirit Ultimate Dragon the normal way instead of summoning it off Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon.
We have Jet Dragons at least if the new card doesn’t have a backrow protection effect.
In fact I would argue 1-2 Jets is all you need to achieve that.
Banishing and other non-target removal still will suck for your backrow but at least the you’re safe against the most common removal already
@Cyberbyte Banishing is not the worst since I’m more scared with True Light getting popped and clearing own my own board
if this comes to the TCG as a structure deck I’m at least buying 3 though Maxx “C” will probably be something like Droll
nah that will be replaced by mst
A Link 1 that just requires a level 4 or lower Dragon or Spellcaster? I was about to say decks besides Blue-eyes would play it and maybe they might, but given Striker Dragon and Artemis exists already and don’t lock you, probably not. But on the otherhand, maybe Dragonlink might try playing a blue-eyes card. Do they? I don’t think they do.
Sanctifier can summon this lol
Mid cards overall, but the artwork on the trap is AMAZING
I never imagined Blue-Eyes of all decks getting a link-1
1 more new extra deck monster left. Praying for Xyz, but i doubt it.
yes, I think xyz is the best, considering blue-eyes never have an xyz(Playable one, not the match winner).
Neo Kaiser Sea Horse makes the Blue-Eyes Spirit Ultimate Dragon easier to summon without the help of original Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon, I think it ‘s a good one of in the deck.
How exactly? still seems like a stretch to properly summon
Turn 1 it’s probably not as good but it enables easier follow up turn 3 without being locked to defense position from Spirit’s tag out. There might be something with Sage into the Link monster too but I’d need to think about it more
Worth running Sea horse for that? Probably not BUT on it’s own with Blue eyes on field it enables level 11 and 12 synchros and can mill Jet or a stone
You can rituel summon magician of black chaos max with the trap, during your opponent’s turn and turn off all is monsters effet during that turn. You can even play a fiendsmith package for beatrice to send it to grave on opponent’s draw et proceed to lock
You can ritual summon mobc maxx with that trap effect on your opponents turn, no restriction beyond using a blue eyes as material. not sure if there’s any good way to also get magia out that way though
Sorry, this might be a stupid question but how do you search mobc maxx in a blue eyes deck.
Without a way to send Herald of the Arc Lights from the ED to GY I don’t think there’s any way to actively search it. Considering Blue Eyes has some stronger one card combos now though it could be valid to run 2-3 MoBC Max and search the trap card from Prayers if you have it in hand.
We still need to get the dragon on “Prayers with Eyes of Blue” artwork
Its not blue-eye for sure
This is the azure from Last SD.
That’s Azure Eyes
pretty sure thats Azure Eyes Silver Dragon
Looking forward to this SD. Hopefully Konami is working on a Dark Magician SD to rival this one. We need a format where BEWD and DM are the best decks.
That link 1 gonna go crazy in buster blader. Sage is 1 card lock now.
Any chance the remaining Extra Deck slot is for Dragon Master Magia? I’m hoping it’s a something new
it is indeed something new, Konomi announced there will be 8 new cards, and we have 7 now, so last one is definitely a new card.
They should honestly print the chain that combined the 3 BEWDs in the toei anime.
Normal summon sage, search chain resonator, link 1 Spirit, search Mausoleum, normal summon chain resonator via Mausoleum’s effect and start your fiendsmith combo once you use spirit’s 3rd effect. Profit.
I know we’ve moved away from the Dogmatika engine since the SD gave it in-engine ways to send OG Ultimate to the GY now, but I feel like it’d be worth checking again with both the trap card and the new Link 1. Biggest issue is you wouldn’t be able to get into the Synchros turn 1 but Magician of Black Chaos MAX sure is tempting
last card…. I’m thinking either a paladin synchro/link retrain, or (hopefully) a shining dragon retrain that’s a PROPER boss monster.
Last card guesses:
– PALADIAN Priest Seto but it’s a CCG retrain for the EX Deck
– RITUAL BEWD that could be Light Attribute
– Link 8 BEWD that’s light attribute and works with Spirit
– Weird one Ik but Baby Blue Eyes White Dragon to rival Red Eyes Black Chick
– and ofc it could be a REPRINT of Magia
– or maybe Lancer With Eyes Of Blue
it will be 100% extra deck monster, so cross out any main deck possibility such as new ritual, also cross out magia since it’s 100% new card, also you mean rank 8 instead of link 8, right?
Reprints are going to sell this deck. Until Snake Eyes and Fiendsmith are taken care of this is just for fans of the show & won’t be seen in tournaments. Bunch of fckers
Blue zoodiacs were a mistake.
hope we get an artwork post from one of these soon
The Trap card is a dream. Easily searchable. Easy to meet conditions for use and can be returned from GY to field with Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon (if it battles). Very nice removal option. The ability to Summon a Chaos/Chaos MAX on the opponent’s turn is just icing on the cake xD
I love the Blue-Eyes traps they’ve been giving us over the years. So I’m really glad this one will have some solid applications.
Maybe the last card could be Blue-eyes chaos max ultimate dragon.
Sadly it seems we won’t get a new ritual in this deck now. But there is still little hope! Often they like to make a small wave of extra support not long after a deck is released. So for fun here is my idea for it.
Blue-Eyes Chaos Ultimate Dragon.
4500 ATK/0 DEF. LV 12. Dark. Dragon. Ritual Effect.
You can ritual summon this card with “Chaos Form.”
Your opponent cannot target this card with card effects.
This card cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects.
This card inflicts double battle damage, and inflicts piercing battle damage.
If this card is banished: You can special summon a ritual monster with “Chaos” in it’s name, except “Blue-Eyes Chaos Ultimate Dragon”, from your graveyard ignoring it’s summoning conditions. [This is treated as a ritual summon.]
Blue eyes supremacy
Jealous jealous jealous jealous, I’m a jealous red-eyes fan
Seven down, one to go. And it looks to be an extra deck monster from what I can see. I wouldn’t be opposed to an Ultimate Azure-eyes.
I’m thinking its gonna be a fusion card. Anyone want to take a crack at what possibilities? Saw some thinking its a Shining Retrain.. Could be a fusion that requires a ritual card as material. If this deck is a revamp of the previous structure deck then it is possible to get a new Azure Eyes. Can’t see them going the XYZ for Blue-Eyes tho
I think back to that reddit post whining about the lack of a link-1 for Dark Magician. Then I think about sunvine sowing and realize the CAC people were always running the asylum.
I think the last card is gonna be another synchro.
The deck is actually missing 10 cards.
Why in the flying white dragon did we let Kaiba cook, and make a link-1?