This time, we are looking at how monsters like Jurrac Guaiba used to work, and making them work like Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
With the arrival of the Perfect Rulebook to the OCG, we might be seeing some simplifications, unifications and reviews of existing mechanics. We already heard about Dark Strike Fighter’s and Catapult Turtle’s errata. We have now found two pictures from the Rulebook leaked early, and one of them addresses cards like Jurrac Guaiba and their activation requirements. If we get access to the entire Rulebook, we would like to go over all its changes. For now, since we got official rulings on this one change, let’s go over it calmly.
Effects that activate at the End of the Damage Step
If they are not on the Field, they do not activate!
Until now, effects that activate “If [this card] destroys an opponent’s monster in battle” activated even if monsters with the same ATK battled with each other and both were destroyed. However, since the activation timing has been clarified to take place at the end of the Damage Step, these effects will no longer activate in this case.
Examples of modified cards:
-Jurrac Guaiba
-Elemental HERO Nova Master
If they destroy each other or go to the Graveyard otherwise, their effects do not activate!
(The rest of the picture discusses the text change of Dark Strike Fighter)
Ruling Reviews:
Q: If Fenrir battles with a monster with the same ATK, so that both are destroyed, does the effect that skips the opponent’s Draw Phase activate?
A: In that case, the effect does not activate.
Q: If Fenrir attacks a face-down Man-Eater Bug, Old Vindictive Magician or Night Assailant, so that Fenrir is destroyed After Damage Calculation by their effects, is the opponent’s next Draw Phase skipped by the effect of Fenrir?
A: In that case, since Fenrir is destroyed by the effect of Man-Eater Bug and so on, the effect of Fenrir does not activate.
Q: If Helping Robo for combat battles with a monster with the same ATK, so that both are destroyed, can the effect that draws 1 card then returns 1 card to the Deck be activated?
A: In that case, the effect of Helping Robo for Combat does not activate.
Q: If Darknight Parshath battles with a monster with the same ATK, so that both are destroyed, can the effect that draws 1 card be activated?
A: In that case, the effect cannot be activated.
Q: If Koa’ki Meiru Crusader battles with a monster with the same ATK, so that both are destroyed, can the effect that adds 1 “Koa’ki Meiru” card from your Graveyard to your hand be activated?
A: In that case, the effect cannot be activated.
Q: If Vindikite R-Genex battles with a monster with the same ATK, so that both are destroyed, can the effect that adds 1 “Genex” monster from the Deck to the hand be activated?
A: In that case, a “Genex” monster cannot be added from the Deck to the hand.
Q: If Malefic Truth Dragon and an opponent’s monster destroy each other in battle, can all face-up monsters the opponent control be destroyed?
A: In that case, the effect does not activate at the End of the Damage Step.
Q: When Cloning is activated in response to the opponent Normal or Special Summoning a monster, if Shrink is chained to that activation targeting that monster, is the ATK of the Clone Token Special Summoned by the effect of Cloning equal to the Original ATK of the opponent’s monster that is halved by the effect of Shrink?
A: The ATK of a monster halved by the effect of Shrink is treated as the Original ATK of the monster.
As a result, the ATK of the Clone Token Special Summoned by the effect of Cloning is equal to the ATK of the monster halved by Shrink.
Q: If Evolsaur Cerato battles with a monster with the same ATK, so that both are destroyed, can the effect that add a monster to the hand be activated?
A: In that case, the effect cannot be activated.
Q: If Mighty Warrior battles with a monster with the same ATK, so that both are destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, does the effect that inflict damage to the opponent activate?
A: In that case, the effect does not activate.