We all knew that some of these cards were going to go up from here.
With the end of the Team 3v3 YCS in Las Vegas, Nevada, Ryzeal took an impressive 50% of the topping lists in the Top 16 teams to 80% in the Top 8 teams. It shows how much power is behind the Deck now since they have access to Seventh Tachyon.
First card we will take a look at is Surfacing Big Jaws. This card was run in tandem with the Seventh Tachyon package, as you can reveal a copy of Number 103: Ragnazero to add a Level 4 WATER monster from your Deck to your hand. Since Seventh Tachyon is a Spell Card, activating it lets you Special Summon Surfacing Big Jaws from your hand later that turn. If it is Normal or Special Summoned, it allows you to add 1 Fish “Shark” monster from your Deck to your hand. One great card to grab with this effect is Drake Shark, which Special Summons itself if added to the hand by a card effect, aside drawing it. This combo allows Ryzeal players to Xyz Summon Bahamut Shark and use its effect to Summon Toadally Awesome from the Extra Deck, which is a heck of an Omni-Negate. This is really nice if you bring out the toad before your 5th Summon to shoo away many hand traps, especially Nibiru, the Primal Being.
This tech was seen months ago in the OCG and seeing it transfer over the TCG shows just how much power these new cards hold for Ryzeal and the future of the Deck.
Silhouhatte Rabbit has finally found a home with the new Temple of the King cards from Maze of the Master. Being able to Set any Continuous Trap from your Deck is amazing for what cards you want to end on or what cards you need during your combo. Along with being a form of interruption, if a card in the Spell & Trap Zone is Special Summoned to the Monster Zone, you can target and destroy 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls. This card even received an Ultimate Rare printing from OTS Tournament Pack 27 to push it more for the players who want to bling out their Deck. Along with Temple of the King utilizing this card, Argostars does the same, especially after Alliance Insight with the release of Argostars – Fierce Parthe (YGOrganization Translation) for added consistency to get to your Continuous Traps.
In time, this card will go up more with players continuing to explore the options that can play this card, and we could see a new Continuous Trap Deck in the future with the tease of Swamp Mirrorer from the OCG’s Tournament Pack 2025 Vol. 1.
Another card players have been picking up for both Odion and Argostars is Statue of Anguish Pattern. This card is a 1-of in both Decks as it has a nasty effect that goes off whenever any card is Special Summoned from your Spell & Trap Zone to a Monster Zone. This allows you to target 1 card on the field and destroy it, thus allowing for mass interruption. Another upside to this card is when you control another Trap that is currently a monster, your opponent cannot target the statue with card effects, making things like Cosmic Cyclone harder to use to stop this card from destroying multiple cards.
Having only 2 Common printings doesn’t seem like an issue, but the last reprint was in September 2016, and hasn’t seen anything since. An odd choice not to reprint this card with two Decks that revolve around Continuous Trap monsters giving you advantage.
As we move away from the release of Maze of the Master, Photon Delta Wing has gone up more for being a main starter in Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Decks. If Photon Delta Wing is Normal Summoned, it can Special Summon another copy of itself from your hand or Deck, but the catch is that you’re locked into LIGHT monsters for the rest of the turn. That doesn’t matter though because the Deck that uses this card is fully LIGHT. By using both copies, you can either Summon Galaxy Photon Dragon or Galaxy Satellite Dragon. With Galaxy Photon Dragon in particular, you can detach 1 material from it to take 1 Photon or Galaxy card from your Deck and either add that card to your hand or send it to the GY, which makes searching for cards like Galaxy Expedition really easy.
Photon Delta Wing was released last year in Maze of Millennia and can finally see play after waiting for its main support to be released from Legendary Duelists: Duelists of Brilliance thanks to it being imported into Maze of the Master.
Along with Photon Delta Wing, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon has skyrocketed in price with only having 1 printing from Ghosts From the Past. It can be Xyz Summoned with ease by using any Cipher Dragon monster you control as material. By detaching 2 materials from Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon, your opponent cannot target LIGHT monsters you control with card effects until the end of their turn, which is great against cards like Effect Veiler or Infinite Impermanence. Other than this impactful effect, you can also return 1 Rank 9 or lower Dragon Xyz Monster from your GY to the Extra Deck to Special Summon that monster by using Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon itself as material as a way to resummon the returned card on a later turn to continue your plays.
This card has only been an Ultra Rare from Ghosts From the Past as previously said and has not received a reprint since, but let’s hope it receives one soon since the new Tachyon support was released.
Players have been excited about the new Cyber Dragon support in Alliance Insight as they have been picking up their copies of Carnot the Eternal Machine. This card is able to Special Summon itself from your hand or GY for free, provided that your opponent has activated a monster effect in their hand or GY at any point of the Duel, which is something a majority of Decks in the game currently does. Carnot is also able to gain 1000 ATK if your opponent activates a monster effect, but only once per turn. As a free monster that can climb up to 4000 ATK, it can be a hassle for other Decks to stop it if they are already closing the game out.
Even though Carnot the Eternal Machine has 2 printings from Phantom Nightmare as both an Ultra Rare and a Quarter Century Secret Rare, this card is one many have held onto just in case a Machine Deck can utilize it to help attack over threats your opponent controls or close out the game swiftly.
Along with Delg the Dark Monarch from last week, Pantheism of the Monarch was another card many grabbed off the market because of its two powerful effects. Its first effect allows you to draw 2 cards at the cost of sending 1 Monarch Spell/Trap from your hand to the GY beforehand. Its second effect allows you to banish Pantheism of the Monarch itself from your GY to reveal 3 Monarch Spell/Traps from your Deck and make your opponent randomly pick the one that gets added to your hand, while the other two get shuffled back into the Deck. As a key part of the modern Monarch Deck, it lets you quickly dig through your Deck for the cards you want to see during your first turn, or to get to The Monarch Stormforth as a way to Tribute an opponent’s monster before they go into their main combo line.
With this card having only 1 printing from the Structure Deck: Emperor of Darkness, it is a little harder to get from an almost 10 year old Structure Deck. Hopefully, we see a reprint of it soon to go along with the release of the new support in Duelist’s Advance.
Fiendsmith Engraver has crashed in price since the last time it was covered as players moved more away from the engine because of burnout and players want a new format for this upcoming Nationals Season. It also doesn’t help that players want a new Forbidden and Limited list to change the format after being tired of seeing Fiendsmith in the meta since its release in The Infinite Forbidden nearly a year ago. It makes sense to see Fiendsmith Engraver going down in price with multiple possibilities of a reprint in Quarter Century Stampede or for it to get hit on the Forbidden and Limited list.
We have to wait and see what happens to the fate of this engine as it is the most recursive and powerful engine in the current meta game.
Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon has stagnated since I last mentioned it back in January and has been doing quite well for some Blue-Eyes players. It can be Summoned with Crimson Dragon’s effect by targeting the Level 12 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon. While this card is on the field, every card you control gains one-off protection against battle or card effect destruction every turn, which is a great way to counteract Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon’s drawback, which destroys any monster it Special Summons off its own effect during the End Phase. Along with protecting your cards from destruction, it can also negate a single monster effect your opponent activates each turn, and by doing so, you get to destroy any card on the field.
Overall, this makes it a very powerful piece to the Blue-Eyes Deck that some players opt into playing to dance around cards like Raigeki or Dark Hole. This card’s price has slowly gone down, but not by much. We will see the fate of this card in the future whether it receives a reprint or not.
Finally, another card that has been going down since its reprint announcement back in December is Mulcharmy Fuwalos. It has been nothing but a downward drop in its price. Ever since its release, players have been wanting to get a hold of copies of the card with how much power it holds. As we inch closer to Quarter Century Stampede, players wonder how accessible the card will be after the set’s release. Still a 3-of in many Decks, this card will still have a hefty price but the reprint is much appreciated.
From Mulcharmy Purulia being in Maze of the Master to Mulcharmy Fuwalos being in Quarter Century Stampede, some have wondered where Mulcharmy Meowls will be, but we have to wait and see where Konami chooses.
This week has been full of cards going up, but many that have been dropping in price due to reprints and Forbidden and Limited list fears that it is making the game cheaper by the day. Let’s hope that Konami releases the new list soon, so players can start testing the National season format before the 2025 Yu-Gi-Oh! Worlds.
Edited and co-written by Angryjon
We need the banlist now.
I know I hope original sinful spoils is at least limited instead of banned
We need a Photon Galaxy Structure deck that can make the deck actually meta like Blue-Eyes.
No we don’t. Not everything needs to be meta, justin jones/Joshua seed.
im sorry to hear about Photon Delta Wing’s situation. hopefully he can find more princes in the future
“being tired of seeing Fiendsmith in the meta since its release in The Infinite Forbidden nearly a year ago”
Please correct these fake statement, INFO was released on 07/18/24 which is almost exactly 9 months and not a year.
Granted using simulators, many have been using the cards for a little over a year as they were first revealed on March 11th, 2024. Along with the OCG has had them since April 2024.
And saying “Nearly a year” means “it was close to but less than one year”.